"Just look at them move. Their like cats." Garcia says as he looks at Morgan and Danika who are now dancing with other people

"More like dogs." Prentiss scoffs.

"He did not ask them to dance, they asked him. Same goes for Danika." Garcia states.

"Okay, okay, they're cats." Prentiss admits and Morgan and Danika start dancing with one another again.

"Alley cats." Haley scoffs.

"Let's go show them how it's done." I say and take Haley's hand and lead her to the dance floor.

Danika's POV:
I jokingly grind up against Derek, to make the other girls jealous and we chuckle when they are clearly annoyed.

"I'm going to have the drink Hotch promised." I say in his ear.

"Alright, girly." Derek says and I leave.

I get to the table and see Prentiss there alone. I take the drink that Hotch brought over for me and sit down.

"So, how are you doing?" Prentiss asks, trying to make small talk.

"You mean am I having nightmares of being kidnapped by a sociopath?" I ask bluntly and take another sip from my drink.

"I didn't mean it like-." She starts apologizing.

"Chill, I'm joking. I'm fine." I assure her and she nods her head.

"Hotch said that you were unconscious the whole time." She says and I nod.

"Yup." I say and watch as JJ walks over.

"Danika, I didn't know you were here." JJ says.

"Last minute invite." I shrug and she nods.

"Well, I'm sorry to bail, but we have a case. I have to find the others and let them know." JJ explains and Prentiss nods her head and goes to find the others.

"What's going on?" Hotch asks as he walks over.

"Looks like you guys have a case." I say and finish my drink.

"I'll get the others." Hotch offers.

"Emily is on it." JJ says.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it." I say and put a few dollars down on the table for the tip.

"I have one of your extra go-bags ready." Hotch stops me and I quirk a brow.

"I still have another week." I counter.

"I want you to come along, you won't be out in the field, but I want to make sure you're not alone." He says and I sigh.

"I'll have Anderson bring your bike back to your apartment. You can ride with me." He offers and grabs his jacket.


We get to the bureau and head into the conference room.

"What are you doing here?" Prentiss asks as I walk into the room.

Criminal Minds: DanikaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora