I believe in you

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Xing’er looked at the place where Ye Qingyu had disappeared to, not knowing what to say

Just what had happened.

This Ye Qingyu, what kind of craziness was he having?

Normally he seemed to be quite clever, but why was it that he acted like he was possessed today. His entire person seemed t be listless and slow. Why was it that after he heard that Pass Lord Lu was looking for him, he was like a rabbit that had its tail set on fire, running away rapidly……

Xing’er shooked her head, not knwing whether to cry or laugh.

AT this moment, he did not know how to respond to Mister Liu as well as Pass Lord Lu.


He was finally able to sense Song Xiaojun’s aura.

Ye Qingyu’s current mood was so excited that he could jump up and down.

He had not even listened to what Xing’er had said. Activating his yuan power to his utmost, as if he had swallowed a shooting star, he shot towards the direction of where he had sensed her aura.

At this time, Ye Qingyu already could not care about anything else. He wanted to immediately see Song Xiaojun.


There was an explosive sound booming throughout the sky.

Under his high speed flight, the clouds of the sky parted as if the clouds had been sliced apart. There was an astonishing rip that appeared in the clouds.

Ye Qingyu’s figure was like lightning, descending towards the ground.


The Xian’er and Song Xiaojun who had just walked out from the building, had faces of shock as they stared at the Ye Qingyu descending from the sky. Song Xiaojun had just dispelled the illusion formation, and walked out after doing battle from the building. As soon as she did so, she saw Ye Qingyu’s figure like a arrow leaving the bow appearing in front of her.

She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

It was Xian’er who first reacted first.

“What are you doing?” Like a little puppy protecting her food, Xian’er gestured with her dagger, assuming a protective stance in front of Song Xiaojun. There was a threatening growl that came out from her throat as she stared at Ye Qingyu, using a threatening glare: “The person surnamed Ye, you came so quickly. You’ve disguised yourself well as a good person recently, but when you discovered our true identites, you finally couldn’t stop yourself from jumping out. Even if I risk my life today, I won’t even let you harm my sister at all!”

Ye Qingyu did not even look at all.

His gaze, ever since he descended, was only focused on Song Xiaojun.

“You’re…..injured?” Ye Qingyu was able to notice the blood stain at the corner of Song Xiaojun’s liops, his complexion greatly changiing. Killing intent flickered in his eyes: “Who hurt you, I’ll rip them apart…….are …..you…..okay?”

Song Xiaojun looked at Ye Qingyu with a strange expression but still did not say anything.

“Stop pretending…….” Xian’er coldly sneered, then said to the Song Xiaojun behind her: “sister, quickly run this fellow is so cruel and vicious plus we don’t know what kind of bad intentions he has. I’ll hold him here, sister you quickly leave. If the other experts of the cities come here, you can’t escape anymore……”

“I don’t ahve any bad intetnions…..” Ye Qingyu waved his hand, saying: “What’s the matter? Who’s chasing after you?”

“You want to delay us with your conversation?” Xian’er sneered in disdain. “Your methods are perhaps a little too retarded.”

Immortal God Emperor Part 2Where stories live. Discover now