Refining the Origin Crystal

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Ye Qingyu had only casually conversed with Mother Wu, but Mother Wu was already deeply grateful. She felt that her impulsive decision to look for work in the market was really too correct.

Thinking back, that day she did not know just what kind of urge took her. After she finished her midday meal, she went to the marketplace to find something to do. This was her first time going to the marketplace, so she was somewhat nervous. She waited in a cranny somewhere, not daring to bawl and shout to advertise herself like other people. She was just about to return with a dejected face when she met Master Ye. At that time, she felt Master Ye was still somewhat too young and not reliable. Who would have guessed……

This had really made their family hold their heads up high.

In these days, she and her man had nearly been beaten alive by the supply department over the soldiers pay incident and was wrongly accused. However, because of this incident, nearly the majority of Youyan Pass knew that Marquis Ye would protect and aid them, not even caring about offending the leaders of the Supply Department. With such a powerful and glorious Marquis protecting them, who would dare bully them anymore?

Mother Wu knew, that to extend such good times, she must think of a way to remain within White Horse tower.

Marquis Ye liked the food she made.

To make the marquis even more satisfied, apart from cleaning and tidying the White Horse tower these days, Mother Wu would go and polish her repertoire of dishes.

She even went to the nearby restaurants to secretly learn. Afterwards, when she was recognised, and they knew that she was one of the people of the Marquis Ye that was in the current spotlight, they did not dare to do anything to her. There were even several owners of the restaurants that passed on the order for them to allow Mother Wu to learn from the kitchens. Of course, they hoped that they could be able to connect to Ye Qingyu, the new noble of Youyan Pass through the link of Mother Wu.

After a while, the culinary skills of Mother Wu really became greater and greater.

Today Ye Qingyu had casually asked her a few questions. This already made Mother Wu feel that she had received a great reward for the sacrifices she had made in these days.

After Ye Qingyu had finished, she carefully stowed away the dishes and left, shutting the door after her. She did not dare to disturb him any further.

In the room.

Ye Qingyu smiled slightly, thinking that he had really hired the right person.

At least until right now, Mother Wu’s performance had exceeded his initial expectations. Under the management of Mother Wu, everything was neat and orderly in White Horse tower. It was numerous times better compared to when Bai Yuanxing was managing and tidying it. Furthermore, Bai Yuanxing could spend even more time cultivating. Although he had average talent, but his status was still the White Horse sword slave. He needed a certain level of martial strength to support this, so he needed to put even more efforts in training.

After finishing his evening meal and having a wash, his entire body felt comfortable.

Ye Qingyu went to the quiet room on the fourth floor, beginning to cultivate.

After the experiences today, Ye Qingyu felt particularly relaxed in terms of his spirit and mentality.

He very quickly entered into a blank state of mind, practicing in the nameless heart sutra his father had passed on, and entering into a state of blankness like an old monk. Moonlight shone from the window, causing his white robes to be like jade, his face like frost. It was as if everything was within a painting.

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