Leaks/Teasers for 3.X (In game)

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V 3.1

Yap: The Weinlesefest? Can't say I haven't heard of it. Thanks to a certain bard, of course.

Eula: Good. Then that should at least make things a little easier for me to explain to you. You'll be assigned with us, the Reconnaissance Company to provide security escorts for the merchants. 

Yap: (Hums) As long as they don't try anything stupid, I'll be fine, I guess.

Eula: They should be. Or rather, they better.

Yap: (small chuckle) You know me quite well at this point.


Yap: (tired sigh) [They weren't joking about being tiring.] (Notices Aether) Oh hey. Anything I can help you with?

Aether: Yeah. Could you help capture some wild boars?

Yap: (Looks at Aether as if he's talking bullshit) I'm sorry?

Aether: Yeah man. You heard it right. Capturing wild boars.

Yap: Hmm... I'll think about it as I rest. Come meet me after a few hours. Oh. You'll have to introduce me to... whichever genius who came up with this idea of capturing  wild boars.


Yap: Can't believe you're actually getting paid to rid of these boars and capturing them. At this point, you might as well capture the Snowboar King already.

Aether: Aaaannnnddd that's exactly what we're gonna do today.

Yap: ( ._. ) Why do you accept such stupid commissions like these.. (sighs) Well, I've already agreed to help anyway. So. Let's get it done now shall we?


Yap: WAHAHA... WAHAHAHAHAHA! DIE! DIE, YOU WORTHLESS SCUMS! (Maniacal laughter continues as he slaughters monsters left right center)

Paimon: Paimon thinks Yap may have a bit too much fun in taking out those monsters..

Aether: Let him be. If anything back at Shiki Taishou's Domain has taught us anything, it's leave them be. He's like Childe in a way after all.

Paimon: Yeah... A Cryo Childe which is a Knight of Favonius instead of a Harbinger. Makes sense.


Yap: Surprise surprise. The Honorary Knight sure can multitask huh? So, how's business going?

Aether: Quite well actually.

Paimon: Anyway, what have you three been up to these days? Did you go off on a trip or something? We haven't seen you around all festival.

Amber: Haha, that's because we're still working.

Paimon: Huh? You still have to work?

Aether: Wait.. You don't get any time off during the festival? Or did you guys got stuck with the holiday shift, huh?

Yap: (shrugs) A mix of both really. (Gently nudges Amber with his shoulder) So, Amber. Now that we're here... Wouldn't you like to have a chat with Aether? Don't worry though. Me and Eula will give you two as much space as you need.

Amber: Stop teasing me already! (Pouts)

Yap: (chuckles) Says the girl who was sssoooo eager to check out the Honorary Knight's charity stall. 

Eula: (Clears throat) Technically, Amber and I, along with Yap, are on a "vacation schedule." There are more merchant caravans than usual traveling the route between Dornman Port and Mondstadt City during the festival. Extra traffic means extra security is required.

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