Chapter 13: Hiems Pruna Act I; Yalter

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3rd POV

Jean: We'll have much to talk about..

Small timeskip

A/N: Let's take things up a notch. I'll be adding quest descriptions where necessary. So let's start around.. here.

Quest Description: You (the Traveler/Player) has received an urgent message by a member of the KoF. He says you should meet with Jean as soon as you can.

Aether: Ah Master Jean. You called?

Jean: Yes... While the Knights are free for a while, I'm afraid to call for your help once more..

Paimon: Oh? What is it now?

Jean: Snowfrost Knight Yap, is said to have an elemental overflow in his body.

Paimon: ... Huh?

Jean: Lisa will fill you in the details later. I would like you to check on Yap and see how he's doing.

Aether: (nods) Sure.

Meeting with Lisa shortly after their conversation is over, she explained the situation to him.

Lisa: Cutie, as you've heard from Jean herself, Yap's body is trying it's best to contain the elemental overflow inside him. Something must be done or else he might just literally explode.

Paimon: (gasps) E-e-e-explode?!?! B-b-but how?

Lisa: It could be due to him using his elemental powers too much by relying on his Vision.

Aether: So he has become too dependent on his Vision?

Lisa: Maybe. We don't know the exact cause of it since we don't see how Yap fares in combat. It could also because he absorbs elemental energy from monsters that were defeated. Speaking of which... [Wait a minute.. the numbers of monsters around Mondstadt has lowered. Could this be his doing as well?]

A/N: Just a headcanon of mine. Absorb too much elemental energy and you might go berserk, explode or whatever gruesome shit that may or may not happen.

Paimon: Um, Lisa, you alright there?

Lisa: I'm fine. Cutie, perhaps have you heard about the growing amount of monsters around Mondstadt recently and then few weeks later, their numbers have dropped significantly? 

Aether: (nods) Sure did.

Paimon: Huh? What does the amount of monsters around Mondstadt has to do with Yap's current condition anyway?

Aether and Lisa: ( ._. ) Paimon, couldn't you at least connect those 2 dots together? Or is your head only filled with thoughts of food, Mora and treasure?

Paimon: Ooohh! Paimon gets it now. So what you're saying is, since the amount of monsters have dropped around Mondstadt is because Yap assisted in clearing them up and absorbed their elemental energy but he didn't release it or released too little.

Lisa: That's right. What I would like you to do for the Knights is to get Yap somewhere suitable and if possible, force him to unleash those elemental powers inside him to stabilize him. Once the elemental flow within him returns to normal, he should be alright.

Aether: [Somewhere suitable... this means we can't do it in cities or villages.]

Paimon: Alright then. Come on, Traveler, let's go!

They both exit the Knights HQ, searching for Yap.

QD: It turns out Yap has an elemental energy overflow going on inside him, disrupting his elemental flow. Try finding for him in the city.

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