Chapter 37: Beisht, Avenger Of The Vortex

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3rd POV

Yap: On it.

Passing the order on to any nearby Millelith soldiers who were still stationed in the Harbor, the soldiers quickly evacuated all the locals around the area. Once that was done, Yap went to where he last saw Qiqi, and lo and behold. She's still there. Paitently waiting.

Qiqi: Oh. You're... back already. Has everyone been evacuated?

Yap: (nods) Now all that's left.. (looks to the open sea) ... Is to wait for it. Since you're stationed here, I trust you can defend yourself quite well, yes?

Qiqi: (nods) Don't worry about Qiqi. Worry about yourself first.

Yap: (Headpats Qiqi gently) Don't worry about me. I knew this was about to happen anyway. See you for now, Qiqi. And remember to stay safe.

Qiqi: Alright then.. Goodbye. (waves her hand at Yap)

Waving his hand in return, Yap decides to head out once more, deciding to check on progress.


When Yap arrived, Aether and his companions already had what they wanted since he went to Hanfeng Ironmonger's earlier.

Yap: ... Hm.

Suddenly a voice was heard behind him.

???: What brings you here? Have they found a solution to the danger in the sea?

Yap: .... Xiao. 

Xiao: Answer my question.

Yap: What brings me here is nothing personal. I simply wanted to check on the progress of Aether collecting his materials. Seems like he's done. As for your second question, they're still preparing. When I mean they, I mean the people of Liyue.

Xiao: I see. Only a single mountain lies between here and Liyue Harbor. If things get out of control, I will defend this place myself.

Yap: Playing hero now huh. Not that I mind since adepti are known to be defenders of Liyue.

Xiao: While adepti are indeed defenders of Liyue, we mustn't get involved for now. But these things can be unpredictable. I have a contingency plan of my own. And 1 more thing. Stay far away from me. My karmic debt has accumulated over years- no. Millenia. Unless you want to have your own life ended sooner.

Yap: ... I see. By the way. (Tosses something to Xiao, who catches it) Rex Lapis has expected that I would more or less meet you out here and wanted to give you this.

Xiao: (Looks at the thing Yap threw at him) ... Thank you. However, you should go to somewhere safe. The danger in the sea cannot be underestimated.

Yap: If this particular danger in the sea you're speaking of is Beisht.... (slowly smirks) Then.. I won't mind fighting her. After all, I had detected her presence few months ago.

Xiao: ?! How?!

Yap: Let's just say it was an instinct of mine. From what I can expect, the front liners will be stationed at Guyun Stone Forest. If. IF the defenses at Guyun Stone Forest falls, then that should be you adeptus' que that Liyue.. has fallen. Or at least that's what it'd look like.

The both of them didn't say anything else afterwards. They won't need to. On the battlefield, their weapons, capabilities will be the one doing their talking.

Turning around, Yap takes his leave.

Arriving at where the Jade Chamber is, now with both the wonder cores and adepti sigils in hand, Yap arrives just in time for announcement of the winners among all the competitors. 

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