Chapter 3: Commissions and a small apology gift for her

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3rd POV

Author: (summons Yap) Hello there. The last chapter wasn't too good for you, was it? After all, you DID end up putting her in an uncomfortable situation.

Yap: [Huh. I'm back here. Oh. The mysterious dude's talking to me] (nervously scratches back of head) Huh? Oh yeah... (Looks away) I hope she doesn't hate me for it though...

Author: Well kid, ladies,girls, reverse traps or females in general are hard to please and easy to piss. So usually relationships tend to fall apart because they can't understand each other too well or is too demanding. There are still a WHOLE lot factors to consider though.

Yap: How do you know all this? Have you ever been in one before?

Author: (slightly shocked) What? Oh no I'm afraid not. (smiles) But I do know some things about it.. well actually I've been in one before...if it can be considered. (scoffs) But I learned it the hard way it isn't meant for me. Oh if only time travel was possible.. I'd head back to beat some sense to my past self.

Yap: W-why would you do that to your own?

Author: It's not only to beat some sense to my past self, but some other.....personal issues as well. (Coughs) But that doesn't matter as for now. Ready to further your relationship with Eula and explore Teyvat?

Yap: Sure I guess.

Author: Alrighty then. (Sends Yap back to Teyvat)

Allie: .....So you were like that huh..

Author: (turns around to face Allie) Heh. Unfortunately. Though, no use as I can't change the past. Though I instead should use my experiences from the past and present to improve myself. Least I can do to ensure an alternate version of me to remind me of the pointless things I used to do. (Smiles) That's why I take it upon myself to improve myself in anyways possible. From basic maintainence to cooking to housework. List goes on. Not because I don't want to be seen as useless but rather as someone who can handle himself and doesn't need to completely rely on others.

Allie: I see.... Quite the noble aspiration there.

Author: Heh. Enough talking about my bullshits. Let's just get on with the story.

Allie: Hai hai..

Back in Teyvat...

Venti and Yap went back to the City of Monstadt for dinner after saying their goodbyes to Dvalin for now.

Timeskip after dinner

They were at the front of Angel's Share. Entering, Diluc was found as the bartender.

Diluc: (muttering under breath) Great... Just when I thought that bard wouldn't be here tonight... Wait isn't that the new member of the Knights and the Adventurer's Guild? What's he doing here? Though at least he looks old enough to drink.

At the front seats were Kaeya, Rosaria and Venti who quickly rushed to get a seat. 

Yap: (also takes a seat) Well then, Kaeya, here I am now. Oh, pay for this...bard too I guess.

Kaeya: Originally the offer was meant ONLY for you. But I guess exceptions can be made sometimes. (shrugs) Oh, may I recommended 'Death in the After noon'? It's quite delectable.

Yap: Well, next time I guess. I heard this place's famous for its dandelion wines?

Venti: (already drinking) It is! It's sweet, warm and earthy! Come, let me pour a cup for you! (Pours a cup for Yap)

Yap: [He's already drinking as if it's water already?! Just how much does he ACTUALLY drink?!] Uh...thanks Venti.

Venti: (resumes drinking) No problem! Enjoy! Bartender, another bottle please!

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