Chapter 11: A Date with her

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3rd POV

The Cryo Vision Holder pair went back to their dorm once they've finished their drinks. Thankfully Eula didn't get too drunk.

Else something might happen again...

Timeskip to next morning..

Doing a food delivery, sending a letter to Tunner from Guy's request, nuking hilichurl towers from high ground and T-posing after that, Yap did the same thing to a Ruin Guard after it was defeated.

A/N: I'm sure you can figure out the commissions assigned to Yap in this chapter.

Getting his usual primogems, Yap currently has an inventory of 3200 primogems at the moment.

Yap: [Well.. The city might not be ideal since... 'that' incident. Mondstadters are still somewhat wary about her so I guess outside the city will do.]

Making some ice cream and buying some food from Good Hunter, he requests Sara to pack it.

Sara: You usually don't get take-out foods but today not you're not just taking out foods, but also in quite the amount too. Anything going on?

Yap: (nervous laughter) Ahaha.. Well... Me and Eula are going on a date.

Sara: Oh? I always knew there were something going on between the both of you. (winks) Good luck and may you win her heart.

Yap: Thanks. (Takes the packed food and pays Sara the food's fee)

Heading to Starfell Lake, Yap left the food and drinks by the Statue of the 7, heading off to go find Eula.

Container used to carry the food and drinks plus desserts made by Yap: .....

It didn't take long for Yap to find Eula, who was in the city.

Eula: Ah, there you are. I was beginning to wonder where you've went.

Yap: Like I said yesterday, it IS a surprise on where we'll spend our first date. A small hint, not in the city.

Eula: Huh?

Yap: Just follow me. You'll know where our destination is soon enough.

Smol timeskip

Reaching their destination, Eula was a little surprised at why they were here. Yap, thankful that the container hasn't been opened, went and inspect it.

Yap: [Nothing's stolen... Good.] (Closes the lid and carries it)

Of course, being a Cryo Vision Holder means you can walk on water so Yap had no problems with it.


Notification: Kokomi would like to know Yap's position.

Author: ..... (Summons an attack helicopter to blow up the notification alarm)

Yap: (places the container down, and opens the lid) Here. It's not much, but I've bought food suitable to your tastes. Also I've bought some drinks that we can share together.

Eula: You.. [H-he did all this?!] 

Yap: Ah, unfortunately most of them are bought from Good Hunter and Angel's Share. But the ice cream is made by me.

The two of them enjoyed their food and drinks, sitting peacefully near the Statue of the 7.

By courtesy of Venti aka Barbatos aka the Anemo Archon aka Tone Deaf bard by a certain floaty thing, he blew a comforting breeze past Yap and Eula.

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