Chapter 8: Promotion and her past

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3rd POV

After getting his R5 Amos Bow, the following day Yap is informed that he now has a Rank Ascension Quest by the Adventurer's Guild.

Yap: [A new quest? Fine by me. Let's see... Location; Midsummer Courtyard domain, Starsnatch Cliff. Wonder what will this do though.. Like if there's any special effects.]

Just before Yap was about to start packing what he needed to Ascend his rank, a Knight came up to Yap.

Knight: (KoF salute) Adventurer Knight Yap?

Yap: Yes?

Knight: The Acting Grand Master has agreed that you'll be promoted once you clear the Midsummer Courtyard domain in Starsnatch Cliff. Once you're back, please go to the HQ and meet her as soon as you can.

Yap: (nods) Will do. Thanks for informing me.

Knight: No problem. Now then, I must get to my duties. I wish you luck in clearing the domain.

Yap left for the domain after that.

At the domain..

Yap enters the domain and soon, he encounters his first wave of enemies. Namely a Pyro and Electro Hilichurl Shooter.

Needless to say, those 2 shooters got deleted before they could release a 2nd shot.

The 2nd wave was a little challenging for him however.

Yap: [Tsk! Not the damned Woodwall Mitachurl! And a damned Ruin Guard too!] (checks inventory) [Luckily I've some pyro grenades.. Or rather more like potions. But either way, it works.]

A/N: Yap gathered some elemental slime power inside Treasure Hoarder potion bottles that he defeated off screen after Chap 4

Alt sprinting inside, he pops up from the ground as the monsters now have their attention on him and the Ruin Guard waking up.

Taking care of the 2 Hilichurls , he alt sprinted a few meters away to dodge the charging Mitachurl and the BeyBlading Ruin Guard.

Yap: (throws a Pyro potion at the 2 of them) YEET!

The Mitachurl's big wooden shield caught on fire and tried to shake it off while the Ruin Guard was ready to fire missiles at Yap.

Yap: (shows middle finger to Ruin Guard and alt sprints towards it, attacks it a few times with his sword) Not today buddy.

But it may have been a bit too late as the missiles were fired and now tracking him.

Yap: YOU MOTHERF- (Alt sprints around the Mitachurl until all the missiles hit it and it dies) FINALLY.

The 3rd wave comprised of lasers and enemies. A Hydro Abyss Mage, an Electro and a Cryo hilichurl shooter each. Switching to his catalyst, he enters the area while dodging shots from the shooters, bubbles from the Abyss Mage and lasers.

Yap: That's it. You're dead. (Proceeds to Permafreeze the Hydro Mage while dodging lasers and arrows)

Abyss Mage: (dead sounds)

Now switching to his bow, Yap takes aim and his arrow soon reaches the level 2 charge.

Yap: It's over now, archers.

Hilichurl shooters: "The fuck it is. FIRE!" (shoots an Electro and Cryo bolt simultaneously)

Yap: (literally walks a few more meters to the side) Like I said, it's over. (Fires arrow)

The arrow then explodes in the 2 shooter faces, dealing alota Cryo DMG

Onto the 4th wave, things are now getting slightly trickier. Another Woodwall Mitachurl and 2 of each Cryo and Electro shooters.

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