Chapter 24: Stories To Tell And Share

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3rd POV

Shiki Taishou: Once you're done training in the domain, simply call out my name. I'll have some fishes ready and a fire going.


Once Yap decided there was enough training for the day, he summoned Shiki Taishou who had some fishes and a fire ready. 

Descaling the fish, removing the fins and bones, Yap and Shiki Taishou put their fishes over the fire to start grilling it.

Yap: Once, there was a sudden increase of the amount of monsters around Mondstadt. Since I was one of the Knights of Favonius, who protects Mondstadt, I naturally took part in defeating them. It was a long process however.

Yap: To make it easier for my fellow Knights, I went to areas that were most infested with the monsters. In one of their largest camps, they had 5 Abyss Mages, 25 Samachurls and Mitachurls each, tens of their archers and grunts.

Shiki Taishou: And you cleared them all, I believe.

Yap: (nods) This went on for several weeks if I'm not mistaken. Shortly afterwards.. (turns his fish to start grilling the other side) the elemental energy begun to accumulate inside me. Soon enough, I didn't felt that good. Apparently what happened to me was the elemental energy started overflowing. I retreated to Dragonspine so that I wouldn't harm anyone. Turns out there were some Abyss forces there. A Herald and some Mages. The Herald and Mages managed to escape, but not before the Herald putting a curse on me. I can't remember what happened after that. Once I regained consciousness, I wasn't in control of my body anymore. (takes a bite from his grilled fish) Mm. Not bad.

Shiki Taishou: So that explains it.. Back then I had sensed some malevolent power in the spirit that was attached to you. It's nearly gone completely now, but only a small portion of it is still with you.

Yap: I didn't mean to. Anyway. Despite in my spirit form, I still managed to put up a shield for both Aether and... someone who I'm close with. Shortly afterwards, I was able to regain control of my body once more. Thanks to Yalter, most of the elemental energy has been used up. But of course, as Yalter was controlling my body, there were some wounds inflicted on it.

Shiki Taishou: (takes a few bites from his grilled fish) Those wounds were inflicted while Yalter was controlling your body, correct? 

Yap: (nods, taking some bites out of the fish) Afterwards, I fell to the ground, feeling the pain of those wounds inflicted. I told them to leave me alone. But they insisted on taking me back to Mondstadt to not only get me treated, but also to rest. I'm not too sure what happened next since I blacked out. By the time I came to, I had been asleep for 5 days straight.

Shiki Taishou: Judging from your story.. it must've been a miracle for you to still be alive now. I don't mean to offend you howsoever.

Yap: It's fine. This is why ever since I had been taken over by Yalter, I swore to myself I would never be weak again. Me being weak in mind was what caused me to be taken over by Yalter.

Shiki Taishou: I see. But just to be on the safe side, I think you should undergo an exorcism process to completely make sure you won't succumb to Yalter once more. Or any malevolent forces, for that matter.

Yap: Agreed. I was thinking for an exorcism too but.. (sighs) I don't have the time to actually find one. Nor do I know anyone.

In Liyue...

Chongyun: [Why do I feel like I missed out on something?]

Back to Yap..

Yap: And there you have it. That's my tale. My reason why I want to be stronger.

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