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20 ounce steaks, can't fit it ona plate. Jumbo scrimp, STRAIGHT OUT DA LAKE.


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Third Person.
Washington, D.C.


"Are.. are you okay?" Dejuan sat in front of Kali who was too busy looking at herself in her mini mirror.

"Do you think I should cut my hair? I love how long it is but Eli is seriously inspired me with the blunt cut she had last year." She frowned, making faces at herself. "Ugh, I'm literally so pretty. We make such good couple. Bam." Kali showed off her ring to him and wiggled her fingers.

Dejuan let out a sigh of relief but still disguised it as a chuckle. "Yeah, we do."

"See? I told you, we are going to be justttt fine, JJ. I actually like you, I love you actually, I don't like anyone else." She shrugged, and closed her mirror.

"Aw, nobody baby?"

"Well I like Leo, he's my baby. I like my other siblings, ummm, Alonzo, T even though he's been getting on my nerves. I hate everyone else." Kali shrugged.

"But what about August and, well August?"

"Oh... eh, not my exact cup of tea but he's nice! Good friend to have." Kali nodded her head. "Anyway on to other people I care about, where's my brother? He's not in here, I can feel it."

"Oh, well Nayeli took him to her house up here because we were scared to keep you two together." Juan explained, looking at Kali squint her eyes. "She ended up choosing the one that was a couple houses over."

"You should be scared of keeping us apart, call her. Now, please. Thank you." Kali rolled her eyes and got out of the chair, humming to herself as she walked up the steps to her house.

"And you're in my bed why?" Kali blinked as she pushed open her bedroom door. "Hellooo, wake up!" She shoved Leo off of her bed.

"Ow! Dammit, Kali! What's your problem?"

"You're in my bed dick head, get out." She snapped her fingers.

"But you always let me sleep in your bed." Leo frowned, getting up to his feet.

"But you always-" Kali began to mock. "Stop crying, go to your own bed in your own house. Bye bye now." She gave Leo a sarcastic smile before shoving him out of the room and slamming the door.

"Dejuan yo' wife out here being mean to me!" Leo whined.

Kali chuckled and looked around. "This is... bleak." She sat down on her bed and stretched her neck, then flexed her fingers. "Come on, Sin." She whispered, closing her eyes.

Her heart started to race to the point where it felt like it was about to beat out of her chest. Her breathing started to grow shallow and her temples slightly throbbed. "There he goes."

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