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Mmm, I'm high writing this and it's been a brick since I like... wrote a chapter high idk.

See man.



Third Person.

JUNE 14th, 2026.

"And then... yeah. That's what you missed." Kali sighed, looking over at Leo.

"I'm so sorry about Penny, Kali. I wish I was there for you, I'm so sorry." Leo shook his head.

"It isn't your fault mijo, it's nobody's fault." Kali said softly. "But thank you, it's a little hard to be with Nayeli and Ayana sometimes because I know that Penny should be there." She mumbled. "Nayeli blames herself for her death and that's crazy bruh. Nayeli did nothing wrong. She really told me she wished it was her instead of Penny. Sometimes I wish it was me too."

"Yeah but you two wish it for two different reasons, Kali." Leo stared at her.

"What does that even mean?" Kali frowned.

"Nayeli says that because she loves Penny. Nayeli would've died for her and you know that. You would do the same yeah but you wish it was you because you want to die." Leo said bluntly. "Not to be a savior."

Kali blinked in shock and looked away from him, having nothing to say. He was telling the truth and she knew it.

"I'm not trying to be mean, Ali. At all." Leo frowned. "But... I want you to get help, Kali. I'm worried about you." He whispered. "We all are."

Kali looked at him, "All of you?"

"All of us. We all lost so much yes but Kali you... you literally take loss and grief the hardest bruh. You just lost your platonic soulmate, she's gone and I hear that you're prancing around with a smile on your face after not talking for days. How couldn't we be worried, Kali?"

Kali looked at the table and shrugged, "Being sad isn't going to bring them back, Leo." Kali mumbled, looking at him. "Crying my eyes out and screaming their names, isn't going to bring them back." She whispered the word. "So I need all of you to leave me alone and just let me grieve."

Leo licked his lips and nodded. "I'm sorry. You're right, we can't tell you how to grieve. But, just take care of yourself for me? Please?" He reached for her hand and laced their fingers. "I love you so much and I need you to make it."

Kali smiled and placed her other hand on Leo's face, "I will, just for you." She whispered. "I love you too and I meant it when I said I'd get you out of here."

"Kali it's nothing we can do.. okay? We just have to accept it."

"Yeah well you guys can sit here and give up, I'm not. You'd do the same for me, Leo and you know that. I'm not giving up until you're back home and in your room where you belong." Kali was dead serious and Leo knew that. He didn't want to ruin her optimism but he couldn't help it.

"Yeah." Leo shook his head, "You comin' tomorrow?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Girl yeah."

"Times up!" The guards started to yell.

"I gotta go, I love you." Leo kissed Kali's cheek as she stood up and wrapped her arms around him. "I meant what I said. Take care of yourself."

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