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I just want y'all to know that there ain't a bigger Polo G fan than me. Same w Lil' Baby fine ass BUT ON GOD NOBODY CAN SEE ME OVER DRAKE.


Anyway, let me stop cus' I'm fanned out 🤢.

Y'all I got my hair done and I wanna show y'all but hmmm idk, it never gave face reveal. 🤣

Let's get into this chapter it's... odd.




December 12th, 2024.
Third Person. Unedited.

Leo, Lucky, and Kali sat there staring at Kalina who was walking around the basement, finding things to entertain herself with. "Ali did you paint this?"

"Yeah." Kali muttered in response trying to figure out how to go about having Kalina as a new "housemate".

"Why'd you untie her?" Lucky frowned.

"Well she's still a human, Lucky." Kali sighed. "I'm not that heartless. Besides, she's had many opportunities to escape or leave, she hasn't." Kali shrugged.

"It's like she wants to stay here." Leo muttered.

"You know I can hear you right?" Kalina turned around.

"You know I don't care right?" Kali blinked, listening to Leo and Lucky snicker.

Kali rolled her eyes and stood up, "You two are on Kalina duty, I have shit to do. Talk to her and get what I need, then wait for me to come back." Kali stood up, giving Kalina one last look before walking up the steps.

Lucky and Leo nodded their heads and looked at Kalina who sighed and stomped over to her chair. "Fine."

"I'on know why you huffin' and puffin', she shouldn't have spared your ass in the first place." Lucky snapped and pushed her down on to the chair, watching Leo handcuff her to it.

"Rude." Kalina squinted.

"As he should be bitch." Leo chuckled and they both sat on the couch in front of her. "Besides, I'm on Christmas break and Lucky lives here now so... we both have time. We're bored, entertain us. I don't wanna do my winter break packet."

"How?" Kalina made a face.

"Tell us what we want to hear. Starting with how this shit all started." Lucky glared.

Kalina sighed and licked her lips. "I'm hungry."

"And?" Leo and Lucky looked at each other.

"Feed me and I'll give you answers." Kalina smiled.

Leo and Lucky stared at each other again and huffed. "Fine."

Hyattsville, Maryland.
August and Sylas Alsina.

"And bitch why the fuck am I supposed to care? Shut the fuck up Mila!" Sylas bellowed, his voice echoing through the house. "Go be wit' that nigga then!" Sylas stepped closer to Mila's face.

"Nigga fuck you! Ain't shit goin' on wit' Jayden! That's my best friend!" Mila yelled back. "I barely like yo' ass, you think I'ma cheat?"

"So what you been up to?" August looked over at Lily who was painting her toes, the both of them watching Sylas and Mila argue for the third time that day.

Restoration. || August Alsina.Where stories live. Discover now