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Third Person.
(Warning: Frequent time skips from this chapter and on.)


"So... explain this to me, okay?" Kali licked her lips slowly and she looked at both Sincere and Demitrius. "So, I understand that you killed Melanie. That was dumb in itself but you already did it."

"And I'a do it again." Sincere snapped.

"Tuh! And would." Demitrius cosigned.

"Okay cheerleader, you done?" Kali raised her eyebrow Demitrius looked away and nodded. "Anyway." She rolled her eyes and looked back at Sincere. "But that doesn't explain how her brother ended up dying. The same with Maria."

"What do you mean? Guilty by association, duh. Melanie tried to ruin my marriage." Sincere scoffed.

"And somehow that ends up with her siblings dead? Did Melanie almost ruin your marriage Sincere or did you?" Kali questioned, putting her elbow on her table and putting her hand under her chin.

"Oop." Demitrius raised his eyebrows and looked at Sincere who blinked at him. "Don't look at me, share your answer with the class."

Sincere sucked his teeth and waved them off. "It is what it is, it's not like they mattered."

"They didn't but- you know what, it's already done. Is there anything else I should know about? Demitrius did you somehow blow up the Empire State Building?"

"No but I could if I really put my mind to it. It would take like two years to plan though." He shrugged and looked at the twins who stared at him with a blank face. "Look, y'all not gon' keep blinking at me. I'ma pluck you niggas in the eyes."

"Yeah aight." The twins scoffed in unison and Demitrius sucked his teeth.

"Soooo, I just killed a trainee by accident. What you gon' do with that?" Tony busted into the office with Alonzo who was eating an apple.

"Hi." Alonzo waved at Kali, grinning widely, then going back to touching random stuff and eating his apple.

"Oh my God, I'm working with a bunch of idiots. I don't know why I even expected anything different." Kali huffed and dropped her hands in her lap after raising them. "And see Kali, you wonder why your blood pressure be so damn high, everyone is fucking stupid."

Kali rambled on under her breath and Tony raised his eyebrow. "You on that shit again?"

"Tony shut up." Kali glared.

"Leo broke your display case!"
"Nayeli broke your display case!"

Leo and Nayeli raced into the room and stood next to Kali's desk. "Bitch no I didn't!" They yelled at each to each other. "Yo' momma a bitch!" They yelled again.

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