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July 20th, 2025.

"What you makin' me?"

Kali rolled her eyes as she poured her smoothie into the bowl. "I knew I should've just killed you."

"Ooo, feisty." Reese whispered the word. "Come on, you missed me a little bit."

Kali ignored him as she sprinkled her blueberries into her smoothie bowl, then with coconut shavings, bananas and a couple of grapes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Jermaine."

"Speaking of, you've always had comfortable beds, thanks for the one downstairs. So, what's the plan today? Who's on Reese duty?"

"Not me that's for sure." Kali rolled her eyes as she sat at the island and put her spoon to her mouth. "It's Alonzo's turn today."

"Don't talk with your mouth full, remember?" Reese winked and Kali blankly stared at him.

"You lost your 'charm' years ago, won't work on me." Kali said flatly, opening her water bottle. "Anyway, so today, I'd advise you to be on your best behavior, Alonzo hasn't been in the best of moods lately."

"That sounds exciting." Reese grumbled, taking his hat off. "Thank you for getting my clothes for me."

"Don't mention it. Thank you for actually telling the truth when you talk to us, didn't think you would."Kali responded, and then her and Reese perked up as they looked towards the door.

"Dove, stay here." Reese looked back to see Kali gone. He turned back around to already see her at the door with it open, "Or not."

Reese actually did tell the family the truth when they asked him certain questions, others he simply wouldn't answer but that was for his sake, not theirs.

"Hey babe!" Nayeli and Penny yelled as they rushed into the house with Chris, Sylas and Ayana.

"Hey, K." Ayana smiled.

"Hey, Yanni." Kali waved and giggled when Chris kissed her cheek.

"Hey mama, what you up-"

Both Chris and Sylas dropped the smiles that were on their faces.

"Woah." Ayana gasped, looking down at Kali. "When the hell-"

"A few days ago. He's been on his best behavior surprisingly." Kali crossed her arms as Sylas roughly kissed her temple.

"I bet he has. He know better." Sylas twirled the toothpick in his mouth and pushed Nayeli and Ayana forward, "Aight, show me the clothes y'all got." Sylas looked Reese up and down one more time and chuckled, disappearing around the corner.

"And somehow, I still like him better than August." Reese snickered.

"Don't do too much." Kali muttered, making Penny, Chris, and even Reese blink at her. "What?"

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