Ch 111 | Dirt

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Y/N's POV:

"We need to egg Sung-ho on," Ji-Ho says quietly as he, Mr. Song, and Sena usher you and Seokjin into one of the conference rooms. "He's falling apart, and if there's any time to get him to turn on Ma-Ri, it's now."

"What should we do?" you ask, taking a seat at the small rectangular table. The room is only about 300 square feet with white walls and brown wooden floors. Sena stays standing behind you, working as Dal's replacement to protect you just like he would.

"Seokjin, let [Y/N] do all the talking," he says, him sitting to your left and Jin sitting to your right. Mr. Song moves to stand behind Jin and gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Ignore Sung-ho completely. It's bothering him that you're acting so indifferent towards him."

"I'd be happy to keep ignoring him," Seokjin chuckles before turning to you. "Will you be okay?"

"More than okay," you grin, squeezing his thigh. You're annoyed Mr. Park had the audacity to hint that you're some sort of stalker who planned all this, but Ji-Ho assured you that was just his last ditch effort to try and sway the jury. He wouldn't have asked to talk about a deal if he had any more tricks up his sleeve.

They don't necessarily deserve a deal since they're going to lose no matter what, but you'd rather not have to make this whole ordeal last any longer than necessary. Cutting it short would save a lot of people time and heartache, even though everyone would be willing to go through it anyways. You and Seokjin have already come to an agreement on the minimum amount of punishment you'll accept for them.

"You sure?" Sena asks, massaging your shoulders from behind. "You killed it out there for someone with a major concussion."

"I won't lie, I blacked out for some of it," you laugh, leaning back to look up at her. "But I think that was just from the rage and adrenaline."

"That bastard actually had the balls to imply you got beaten in jail on purpose," Ji-Ho scoffs, pulling some folders out of his briefcase. "But I can't be too mad at him. That would've been my last-resort tactic too."

He opens his laptop and shuffles some papers around before turning to look at you and Jin. "Okay, I'll do most of the talking. Jin, just pretend Sung-ho doesn't exist. You can address Ma-Ri and their lawyers if you have something to say."

"That'll probably piss him off even more," Seokjin smirks. "It'll be clear that I'm only ignoring him."

Ji-Ho chuckles and nods before looking at you. "[Y/N], just talk whenever you feel comfortable. Be as quiet or as loud as you want, just don't let them get in your head. That's what their main goal will be from this conversation."

"Okay," you say, nervously gripping your knees now. Seokjin presses his lips to your cheek, somehow making your heart do a backflip in this situation. His arm loosely wraps around your shoulder as the door opens up.

Ji-Ho stands to his feet but you and Seokjin remain sitting as Ma-Ri, Sung-ho, Mr. Park, and two other attorneys walk inside.

"Park," Ji-Ho smiles tightly with his hands in his pockets.

"Lee," he smiles back just as tightly, setting his bag onto the table. Your eyes lock with Ma-Ri as she sits across from you and a small chill runs down your spine at the amount of hatred she's looking at you with. You're not scared though. She actually just creeps you out, and Seokjin snorts when he notices the look of disgust on your face.

Sung-ho takes the seat right across from his brother but Jin's eyes move over and stay laser focused on Mr. Park, completely ignoring his existence just like Ji-Ho told him to. He appears relaxed and unbothered but your hand is resting on his thigh again, and you can feel how tense his leg muscles are.

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