Ch 25 | Relieved

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Y/N's POV:

"Good god, it's 8am. Why are there so many people already?" you gape as Mr. Song pulls up to your restaurant with a large crowd in front of it.

"They're here to support you," Jin smiles, setting his hand on your thigh.

"More like they're here to get a glimpse of you," you laugh. "But I'll take it."

You pull out your mirror from your purse and double check your makeup, paying extra close attention to your neck. Jin had one of Hybe's personal makeup artists at his doorstep at 7am to cover you up.

It was a little embarrassing when her eyes widened at the now deep purple marks. You made sure to reassure her that it was very consensual since she started nervously shifting her eyes between you two. Jin just thought it was hilarious because he's a dick.

It feels good to have your work uniform on again. It's a simple yet elegant outfit that all the employees wear; just a crisp white button down tucked into black slacks. The girls have the option of wearing black skirts if they want but you needed to make sure you were comfortable today.

Jin looks a little goofy in his purple monochromatic sweats with his hair messily flopped over his forehead. He plans to help out with things in the morning before you open at 11, then head back to change and get ready to come back with the other members for dinner.

It's odd how differently you two are dressed but you also love the fact that Seokjin just doesn't give a damn about what others think.

Sena, Dal, Ana, and Taehyung are all in the car driving behind you, also tagging along to help.

"You ready, Bug?" Jin smiles, extending his hand out towards you. You're nervous and excited, feeling grateful he's by your side today.

A security guard opens your doors and Jin steps out first with your jacket before helping you out as well. You keep your eyes down from nervousness as Jin eases you into your winter coat. Your heart's pounding so hard you almost can't hear the screaming crowd but you do see all the camera flashes.

Jin senses your uneasiness and grabs your hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. As soon as your eyes meet his, your chest is flooded with warmth and you feel a little more at peace. He keeps your hand in his as you two walk up the staircase that leads to the front door.

You stop on the middle step and look up at the new signage in front. The restaurant name is now carved into a deep mahogany wood that reads:

Soo-ah Sea

Four small strobe lights sit underneath the black frame to keep the sign illuminated even at night.

The building is a pearly white made of cement with glass windows all across the front, and a glass door sitting in the middle. Small garden beds rest underneath each window, giving the restaurant a little bit of color. Granny Soo-ah likes big open spaces and she chose large windows at the forefront so it seems less stuffy inside.

"Are you comfortable turning around and waving to everyone once we get to the top?" Jin whispers to you.

"Of course," you smile, following him up the last few steps.

The both of you turn inward to face the crowd and you flinch as loud cheers erupt from everyone still waiting at the bottom. Tears well in your eyes at the overwhelming support you've received over the last month, whether it was for your personal health, your business, or your relationship with Seokjin. Everyone, especially Army, has been so kind and wonderful to you online lately and it's making you emotional.

There were a couple of people who made some heinous posts online, making insane accusations like you'd hired Ma-Ri to stab Seokjin just so you could be his savior. But Jin was not kidding. After you signed that contract with the Kim family, you were put under Jin's protection in every way, including legally. You're basically property. Each and every person that has used your name negatively online has faced heavy legal repercussions.

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