Ch 26 | Not Even God

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains and/or mentions :
Violence/ blood/ depression/ suicide

Please read at your own risk


Y/N's POV:

"[Y/N]!" Chaewon exclaims, running into your arms and almost knocking you back into Seokjin.

"Hey cutie," you chuckle, wrapping your arms back around her. "How was Japan?"

Chaewon is one of the only people who came to visit you in jail, although it was only a handful of times. She also showed up proudly to work every single day until Mr. Song shut your restaurant down, and she's been in Japan the last month visiting family. She's full Korean but her father remarried a few years ago and moved to Japan once she graduated.

Chaewon was bullied during a lot of her formative years because of her appearance just like you were. She's on the heavier side, and also pretty tall for a girl, somewhere around 5'6". Her long brown hair reaches down to her elbows but she has it in a high ponytail today. She graduated just last year and recently turned 21.

After graduating high school she had a hard time finding a job due to South Korea's beauty standards. A year ago she happened to be passing by right as you were hanging up your Server Needed sign, and you hired her on the spot. It's a shame how it's always the sweetest, most genuine people that get so much hate. The customers at your restaurant absolutely adore her.

"Japan was really nice," Chaewon grins, pulling away from your hug. "My dad seems really happy. And it was pretty much a free vacation since you kept paying me."

"That's great," you smile. "But he's the one to thank for the money."

Chaewon's eyes make it to Seokjin and her jaw drops below sea level, and she makes a bit of a pterodactyl noise when she sees Taehyung behind him.

"Why are you surprised?" you laugh, placing your hand under her chin to close her jaw.

Chaewon's eyes sparkle even more once she sees the beautiful crimson haired model to his side.

"Hi Chae," Ana smirks, extending her arms out. Chaewon happily crashes into her embrace, almost knocking her over too.

Chaewon looks up to Ana since she's gorgeous but also kind. Most of the bullying she received was from the pretty and popular girls, and she'd assumed Ana would be the same once you introduced them. She couldn't have been more wrong though as Ana immediately started complimenting her hair and asking her about the product she uses.

"Chae?" Dal asks from your other side. "Is that you?"

Chaewon looks him up and down, seemingly confused until her brows raise up. "Are you Dal Jang?" she gapes.

"How do you know Dal?" you ask her.

"I had a big fat crush on him in high school until I found h-"

"Chae," Dal cuts her off with a tight smile. "Don't tease them, you did not have a crush on me."

Chaewon looks him up and down with her eyes squinted before letting out a sigh. "Okay, whatever." She turns her attention back towards the Bangtan men and bows. "Thanks for waking up, Jin, and thanks for waking him up, V."

Both of their cheeks flush at her straightforwardness.

Jin's arm snakes around your waist, pulling you to his side. "Thanks for being there for [Y/N] when I couldn't," he smiles. "I heard all about you and how you stuck by her side."

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