Ch 37 | Cursive

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Y/N's POV:

Seokjin continues to steer you towards the entertainment room while your still healing mind tries to figure out what just happened. You're also starting to feel the effects of your diluted alcohol.

"Wait," you say, stopping abruptly and making him run into your back. You turn towards him with a brow raised. "Did you say Jin Ae?"

"Bug, let's talk about this alone, okay?" he practically begs, ushering you towards a bedroom instead.

He pushes open one of the doors and quickly yanks it back when he sees two bodies moving back and forth in a familiar rhythm. Your palm slams against the white wood, flinging the door back open.

"What the fuck?" you gape, watching Taehyung thrust his dick into the woman spread on all fours in front of him.

But that's definitely not Jisoo.

"Fuck, oh my god," Ana moans as Taehyung plunges into her from behind so aggressively it looks like she'll break. Her hair gets yanked back by Taehyung's long fingers and he slams her back against his chest, making her yelp and giving you and Seokjin a full frontal view of him fucking the life out of her.

"That's enough of that," Seokjin chuckles, covering your eyes and yanking the door shut.

You stand there, absolutely mind blown by the two shocking events that just happened back to back. He grabs your shoulders and steers you to another bedroom that luckily doesn't have any sinful fornication going on.

You blink a few times, trying to register what happened. Your reeling doesn't work so you decide to down your drink instead.

"Whoa, Bug," Jin says nervously, taking the already empty glass from your hand. "Dr. Choi is going to kick my ass if you don't slow down."

"Do you wish you could fuck me like that?" you ask him in all seriousness, making his eyes bulge out of his head. "I know you're a bit of a freak in bed but I don't think I can do it like that. I'll die."

He almost chokes before bursting out into laughter, setting your cup down on the black dresser next to him. "No thank you," he chuckles, trying to catch his breath. "I like rough sex that but that wasn't rough sex. That was two feral animals that don't know how to control themselves."

"Oh thank god," you exhale in relief, smacking your hand over your chest. "I wouldn't be able to walk the next day if you destroyed my pussy like that."

"Bug," Seokjin snorts before laughing again. "Are you drunk?"

"A little," you nod. "Why? Did my filter come off?"

"Your filter?" he asks in amusement.

"When I drink I become a little too honest about what I'm thinking."

"I love that," he chuckles, wrapping you into his arms. "And no, I do not want to fuck like that. I am very content with the incredible sex we have."

"Okay, good," you smile, hugging him back. "Me too."

He pulls back and cups your face in his hands. "Do you know Jin Ae?"

"Jin Ae?" you ask. "The bitch that made out with you?"

"Yes," he answers, trying to contain his smile.

"I don't think so?" you say as more of a question with one eyebrow raised. "I don't even know what she looks like."

His jaw slacks as he searches your eyes, trying to find any sense of a joke or sarcasm but he sees none. He purses his lips, trying to figure out what he should say next. He'd received some instructions from Eunji on how to handle your memory loss.

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