Ch 56 | Pure Adrenaline

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Author's POV:

3 hours earlier

"[Y/N]!!" Seokjin screams, his fingertips just brushing the end of the vehicle before it peels off into the road. He runs after the white van but it's useless, and before he can even process what's happened, you're gone.

"Someone call the police!" one of the witnesses shouts. "[Y/N] was just taken!"

Hot tears stream down Seokjin's face as he falls to his knees. His mind is completely blank as people crowd around him. One man kneels down beside him but Seokjin can't hear him. He can't hear anything.

"Jin-hyung!" Hoseok screams, snapping him back to reality as arms wrap around his body. "Hyung what do we do?! They took them!" He sobs into Jin's shoulder, his mind reeling in thirty different directions.

"The police are on their way," someone says.

"Seokjin what the hell happened?" Sena asks as she breathlessly reaches them, the rest of the group close behind her.

"S-she's gone," Seokjin says shakily, his eyes still focused on where the van left. "Dal too."

"What do you mean?" she asks nervously. "Where did they go?"

"Someone threw them into a van and took off!" Hoseok shouts through his tears. "They took [Y/N] and Dal!"

Sena's soul almost leaves her body when everyone around is nodding their heads, some people just watching and some people recording. It's almost as if time is standing still until Ana speaks.

"[Y/N] is missin'?" she hiccups from Taehyung's back. "Why're ya just sittin' there? She's not very good't hide n seek, we just gotta find'er."

Luckily Ana's drunken stupor really snaps Seokjin out of it and rage begins to course through him. He's definitely not about to sit around and twiddle his thumbs while you're in danger. He stands to his feet right as Jungkook runs up to him.

"Hyung," he says frantically, pretty drunk himself but not belligerently like Ana is. "Is it true? Was she taken?"

"She was," he grits through his teeth. "Where is your driver? I need to get to the company."

"I already called him," JK says right as the limousine pulls up.

"Hoseok, stay here with Sena and Chaewon," Jin says to him. "Tell the police exactly what happened. Write it down now before you come off your adrenaline rush."

"O-okay," he says shakily, reaching for his phone but his hands are trembling too much to type. Chaewon takes it from him and starts typing it out as he tells the story.

Seokjin, Taehyung, Ana, Jimin, and Jungkook all pile into the limo, but before JK can shut the door there's a hand from outside stopping him. A cop leans down and Seokjin is already prepared for a fight but he's caught off guard when the woman says, "Give me the address, I'll escort you."

JK quickly types it into her GPS and she runs to hop back in her cop car, lighting the area in red and blue. The siren blares and Jungkook's driver takes off behind the flashing vehicle.

Murderous intent fills the limousine as Seokjin reels through what happened over and over again. News must already be out because his phone lights up with a call from Namjoon.

"Namjoon," he says into his cell.

"Hyung, are you okay? Was [Y/N] really taken?"

"Yes," he answers with sheer rage oozing from his voice, making everyone in the car shiver. "I'm on my way to the company."

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