Ch 39 | Concern

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Y/N's POV:

"And with that," Dr. Choi grins, signing off on a white piece of paper, "you are all cleared, Miss [Y/N]."

"Oh thank god," you groan, throwing your head back.

"Are you that excited to workout again?" she chuckles. "It's good that you're taking care of your health."

Your jaw slacks and it only takes her one look at your pink cheeks for her to understand why you're actually excited. Her brows furrow and you squirm under her intense gaze. "You're using protection, right?"

"O-of course we are," you say so nervously it comes out suspicious, making her raise an eyebrow.

"We are, I swear. He bought a whole new pack yesterday in anticipation of me getting cleared," you blurt out before slapping your hand over your mouth.

Dr. Choi blinks at you for a few seconds before bursting into laughter, turning your cheeks from pink to red. "Young ones have so much energy. Use it while you can as long as you're being safe."

"We are," you mumble, looking down at your lap.

"If you want to get on birth control, just let me know," she smiles, standing up to pat your head. "Other than that, I'll see you in a month for a checkup okay?"

"Okay," you grin shyly. "Thanks doc."

You smooth over your black hoodie, another article of clothing you've stolen from Seokjin, and put your black hat back on to run outside and into Ana's red SUV. You're not sure how your near death experience didn't make it onto the news but no one reported on it. Mr. Song probably had something to do with it since Jin had called him ahead of time.

"Where should we go for brunch?" Hoseok beams from the back. "It's my treat to celebrate [Y/N] getting cleared for hot kinky sex."

"Maybe Jhope should be my new bias," you snort, clicking your seatbelt.

"I like the sound of that," he laughs.

"I just want food before I get hangry," Sena groans next to him.

"Let's go to that new brunch place in your old neighborhood," Ana suggests, pulling out of the hospital parking lot. "It's close to Chaewon's house so it'll be easy for her to get there." She pauses and glances at the rear view mirror. "Oh, actually it might be hard for Hoseok."

"Is it a big restaurant?" he asks.

"No," she shakes her head. "It's pretty small and the road it's on isn't super busy. You'd probably be recognized though."

"If it's not a ton of people it should be fine," he grins. "Plus we have our handy dandy bodyguard with us."

"You're damn right you do," Sena smirks, confidently crossing her arms over her chest. Sena has been rather fit ever since you first met her, but she's been working out more with Dal lately so she's proudly showing off her new muscles.

The fifteen minute car ride is mostly filled with Ana and Hobi chatting about random things while you look out the window. You're not necessarily in a bad mood but today is a melancholic day; they happen once in a while even if nothing's wrong. Jin's at lunch with his brother and you all ran into Hoseok in the lobby and invited him along since he seemed bored.

"This place is so cute!" Hobi and Sena squeal at the same time. The three of them head inside the adorable pale yellow building while you turn around to look into the distance. Your house — or more like your basement — is just a few blocks from here. You haven't been back since Seokjin found you down there but he has. During the three days you were asleep he'd stop by and clean up a little so it's not so dusty, and that's how he found the photos for your locket. He also had a small heating and AC unit installed in case you ever want to stop by and see their pictures.

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