Chapter 66 - Imagine

Start from the beginning

"Alrighty then. But couldn't they have some stores or musical acts around here to even try?" They head to the east side of the street in front of the street with trees next to the sidewalks. Even with battle, they remained intact from any further strife in contact with them.

"I honestly can't imagine someone playing the piano in the middle of a battlefield. If anything, no one would in the mood for that."

"Yeah, but, wouldn't it be cool to try it out despite the odds?"

"If you have a death wish, then sure." Rioso groans in response to this while keeping their pace as they walk in the streets.

"Anyway, how could this rebellion thing turn out ugly so fast?"

"I'm not sure too. But whatever the case, it seems like many people were unhappy in what they got and now want it to change." As they continue their pace, they see a Zlocan hovercraft getting its left-wing exploded by a missile, enough to make it spiral in many turns before it comes crashing down on the other part of the street next to the building. The explosion is noticeable enough to get the twins to briefly duck for cover before standing up again.

"Like, a change of management in an office job one says?" Mora only shrugs.

"Kind of like that." Rioso simply sighs at this but keeps on walking afterward. So far, they only pass by many houses, some either intact, others with some holes in either the entrance or the windows, some are even pieces of wreckage after sustaining a huge amount of damage for far too long. Most likely with bombs.

But just as it looks seems like there's nothing around in the vicinity, a distant chatter can be heard on the far side of the street. Enough to be picked up by Rioso as he slightly speeds up the pace, with Mora following behind.

"Hey sis, I heard something. Follow me!"

"Rio, wait!" As they continue to walk into the source of the sound, as the number of thrown weapons, unexploded shells and electrifying shards of Zlocan weaponry, they could see what could look like to be the distinct shapes of Zlocan Knights in the distance, in what it looks like to be a routine patrol as well. Some chance to regroup and plan, it seems.

Yet, Mora couldn't help but feel something suspicious with this type of setting around them.

This can't be real. What if there's some kind of Human trap waiting for us?

After Rioso manages to catch up, one Zlocan turns around to face them ahead, as he lifts his left hand to indicate them to stop.

"Hey officer, spotted something suspicious?" Rioso asks.

"Still on the lookout for any potential threats. But there don't seem to be any nearby." But just as he can continue explaining, a pin is heard, then rolling to the ground beneath an unscratched red car next to them. And just as it reaches the feet of the officer, it's the moment when they look down.

"Grenade!" a Knight exclaims as they take cover near one of the cars next to them, as the officer tries to kick the grenade away. But before he could manage to do that, it explodes. The force is strong enough to send him flying upwards, before impacting a tree branch right in his face. Others next to him are also thrown away from the force of the blast, but not as enough to impact any hard surface they can find. But even so, one clutches to his knee as he groans from the resulting impact.

Rioso then sprints towards the C.O, whose body is currently immobile. He kneels down to inspect any sort of breathing left in him. However, based on the shards of glass embedded on parts of his face as they bleed, it seems that his luck could have run out.

After placing the body back on the floor, he rises back to stand once more as the Zlocan try to reunite and see what happened.

"I wonder how who would do this..." Rioso ponders. But just then, a Zlocan notices something from behind Rioso, which is enough to make him raise his gun to aim near him.

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