my little one ❤️

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Taehyung brushes the hair over jungkook face,looking at his sleeping angel with so much emotions,happy and sad ,happy to get the best gift,to make him complete,and sad seeing the tears that stained dried over the cheeks of his pup, over the fact that his pup is going through something unimaginable......he know he has to be strong.....

He kept giving small kisses on jungkooks forhead and hair.....rubbing his thumbs over the belly he was holding so btween smile looking at the flat belly of his pup with so much pride and happiness that he himself could feel in his veins everytime his eyes travel to see them......

Another hour jungkook stir in his sleep making taehyung causious...head adjusted his seating holding the boy ,but jungkook flinch once he realise taehyung is there holding breaks taehyung.....but he has to hide it

"Hey pup...." He look at the scared doe eyes.....the same eyes that looked at him years before when he first see jungkook at yoongi's home.....the eyes that have fear and insecurity that he manage to erase with his love.....surfaces again.....

But he smile showing his boxy smile.... he could clearly see the eyes fluctuate emotions.....from fear to love.....for a mere second......he know that's his hope....

"Hy...hyungie" a chocked whisper was left from jungkook ,broken and so vulnerable but his lips were shut sealing with a warm lips.... capturing from not speak.... not thinking anything other than taehyung......

Taehyung could feel the grip of jungkook in his shirt.....which release and later.....the tears that wet his cheeks from the younger.....but his heart find peace once jungkook move his lips against his....returing the love that he pour in the kiss.....

He break the kiss cupping jungkook,kissing his nose tip and eyes then his forhead a few seconds more all while jungkook stay silent with closed eyes receiving the love from taehyung ,that was exactly what he wanted that moment.... assurance......

Jungkook open his eyes to see taehyungs shining eyes that smiles at his dull ones.....illumating his darkness just like sun giving his light for the moon to shine......

"Thankyou pup...for making me lucky and making me a dada again"

That was enough to know he love jungkook,the baby and even nara baby like always just with telling 'again' .....

Jungkook open his mouth to say his stupid insecure brain ask him to but again a finger was placed infront of his lips stoping him

"Whatever you are thinking pup...its not are the love of my life erase everything you think otherwise....... remember what i said to you .....lean on me pup.....i will be with you always......not to let you alone nor our babies......stay happy for us pup .....i only want that me love"

Jungkook was again sheding tears but this time he was not overwhelmed....he was assured to some extend.....he trust tae.....with everything

They stay just like that jungkook cuddled against taehyung's chest like a baby.....

By morning they were discharge after checking him once again......namjin and nara had already went back at night to not letting nara to stay much time in a hospital unnecessarily.......

When they reach home....jungkook was again afraid to enter but tae hold him and smile leading him inside......

He had a feeling of being pushed outside just like what happened in past with nara's parents they call him gold digger and abused him ......he was scared only thing that keep him not to fall was taehyungs hands that wraped him....

I am not your Dada (taekook)Where stories live. Discover now