new chapter😇

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The next day by early morning jungkook and nara reach the said adress of Kim Jisso..... it was a beautiful house fir jungkook it look like a castle itself.... it was painted in white and light blue shade, a pretty garden.... he give the card to the watchman on which jin jad writen his recomadation and his sigh..... so there was no issue for the boy to enter.... he saw the watchman uses the telecom to ask if he can enter now which a lady whom jungkook suppose is jisso tell him to come.

As he walk with a curious nara in his arms and a small old backpack which had naras few dresses and his two new pair of dress which is of again from hobi..... he was so thankful for the couple for whatever they do for him till now.....

His heart was beating so fast as he was thinking of all negatives of how the work gonna be, if they dont like him..... will they kick him out..... with a nervous mind he approch the door and ring on the bell.

A few minutes later the door open with a lady in her elegant flowly dress, she is the most beautiful woman jungkook had ever seen..... she was beautiful may be than his lisa noona..... he look at her without blinking but got out of tranze when he hear the woman making baby voice to nara....

Jungook immediate start to bow multiple times for not wishing her only to make the lady chuckle and she hold a grip on his shoulder to make him stop bowing.

"Who is there honey? "(Oh my god this is cringe 😝)

Jungkook see a man who is so handsome come down with a boy in his arms probably five or six years of age.

"Oh.... its kookie.... i told you yesterday.... niki come see you got a new friend"

Jungkook look at the couple.... he feel like he was still dreaming..... never in his life no one care of him..... and here this lady who look like a queen.... she was calling him kookie with so much love..... and she even ask her son he guess and introduce his baby as his new friend..... and the man he seems to smile lovingly..... he feels like to  sleep forever if this is dream...... doesn't rich people seems to be rude??  Don't they harrase poor people??  That's what he thought no he experienced so... seeing the house he was sure he gonna have a hard life....

"Let them in honey.... he must be tired" the man said to jisso

"Oh my god.... what did i do.... come inside kookie" she said to a jungkook who was still jungshook, but comes out when he feels jisso try to take nara from his arms


"You must be tired of carrying her..... let me take her.... come inside"

"But.... she.... we will.... make your dress dirty" he look down on the floor, gripping on nara.... he dont want anything to lose the care he experience first after lisehope..... call him selfish but he carve for a little affection..... and he dont want it to spoil when he see it....

"Aish.... dont use your coconut brain.... now come inside"

With that jisso forcefully takr nara who whine but she immediately rock her and move towards a curious niki..

"Ish this my friewnd momma"

"Yes champ see.... she is looking at you.... say hi"

Jungkook feels like to cry.... what must have he did that god send that man mr. Kim to his life..... he feels like he got a home not  a work.....

"Why are you not sitting jungkook" the man ask him

"Its okay sir.... i will stand"

"Jungkook its okay you can sit..... and sorry for my wife she is just whipped for babies.... so i am park seojoon and this is my wife kim jisso.... dont confuse its just she choose to be in her family name as she was famous with that name before our marriage.... and this is park niki our son"

Jungkook bow to all but he look at jisso, she is famous but.... what is her job.... and jisso find the confused look on the boy

"You dont see me before kookie"

"Hmm... maam.... i m sorry.... " he stand up again and bow to her.... unlike other who would get hurt on their pride of being famous jisso guess why must it be

"Dont you see movie or drama kookie"

"Maam... that..... i never see.... but one time i watch a little bit from cafe.... sorry.... "

Jisso look at seojoon who give the same shock look..... what must this boy muat had gone through that he never even had a chance to see a movie??  They can see jungkook is wearing an oversized shirt.... as if it was not meant for him.... and they could now guess it must be someone offer him.... before their question trail in their mind jungkook ask

"Maam where is the kitchen...... i can starr from now only..... "

"Its okay boy breakfast is already ready..... and did you had your breakfast? "

There was a silence

"Y.. yes... "

Jisso look at seojoon

"Is that so.... then come with me"

He start to walk behind her like a puppy she made him to sit on the dining, he hesitate but she glare at the boy..... then she get a plate which had banana pancake with chocolate syrup and honey..... bacons and omelette..... along with a glass of cocolate milk.....

She sit with him while playing with nara, jungkook was looking at the plate..... he do had good food when he was at hobi's not before that.... but this.... this is something he dont had or something no one ever made for him....

"Why are you not eating.... eat"

"Maam.... this... is so much"

"This.... its only two pancake kookie.... okay eat whatever you need " she look at him with sad eyes.... she saw him crying while taking the bites.... and two pancake is more??  Does he dont had food to fill him good??  She is a mother..... and at the ave of 13 she got taehyung, so basicallt she was like a second mom for tae..... or ww could tell he mature to be a mom at the age of 13 abd she herself is a mom..... while looking at the boy infront of him really break her heart.... and she know why her brother take the boy from there. ... he is in need and they are gonna do anything....

She want to ask him about nara's health and what she need.... but she choose to ask it later, not to pressure the biy before he adjust the new environment.... and also he could see the biy so prideful..... and she know that he will not let them help without paybacks..... so let him good with them and when he start to trust them they could give an extra hand to the boy.....

Jisso get him a room near to the kitchen.... it was a pretty good room and for jungkook he never ever slept in so good room..... jisso tell him that they will clean the outhouse for the boy.... nit because he want him to be out of their home.... she can sence how sensitive the boy around them.... alwaya bowing, getting tensed and stressed.... so she dont want the boy to go on something tramatic with them so she think its good to let him have a personal space where he could relax with his daughter....

Everything was set.... jungkook was so happy and thankful.... he came to know mr. Kim is kim seokjin and for a fact he know the man as he is in so many adds abd all...... for him that man is an angel that god sends.....

Jisso and seojoon praise how good his cooking is making him shy.... just like that the first day of his new chapter goes beautifully......

This must be the most beautiful day in his entire life💜

That night he  sleep peacefully.... listening to again winter bear.... but this time he listen with a happy heart..... that song really become his lullaby and even for nara


How is it??

Comments please😣😭😭😭

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