trust & promise

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Goodness i am so shy.... and i dont know how good i can do this.... without being cringe or cheesy.... seriously bubs...... this story is more deeper.... like i took so much time to develop them to a point of them right now.... the bond and trust is so strong that i.... i really feel i am invading their privacy which i never felt before...... i dont knw.... i feel like someone out there exist like them..... 🤭🤭 wth am talking😂😂 okay.... uff..... deep breathing🙈🙈🙈 let's get it....

U dont belive.... i took it more than 10 failed attempt to atleast write this intro😂😂 moreover..... i was reading innocent mate for motivation yesterday and someone ask me to read rhythm too🤣🤣 and i was like.... did i write all those??  Huhh.... i am so cool.... and INNOCENT 😂😂

Mature content ahead 🔞🔞  ( i not adding it on title bcos that chapter are having more views😂😂 let them find out hungry bubs🤭🤭)

Taehyung was looking into the doe eyes of jungkook that was reflecting shyness, but a tint of lust??  May be.... something he never seen before in that sparkling universe..... his elbow was beside jungkook head supporting him to not crush the boy with his weight when jungkook suddenly put the stunt out of blue..... he smile and brush of the hair that was on jungkooks face..... looking at the boy slightly shiver in his touch.... and hold his shirt in a grip..... he watch jungkook gulp and wetting his lips showing he is nervous..... but his leg locks still tightly over taehyungs torso making the man still hover over him with their heated body brushing against each other.... creating sparks.....

"You sure pup.... i... we can wait.... you know.... i don't mind about you taking time" taehyung whisper.... slowly.... gently..... delicately..... knowing how sensitive that can be.... when jungkook himself take a move first.... but still struggle to be out of his comfort zone..... it can be offensive.... if it sound a little very little off.... he knew his pup.... who have an insecure little heart and head.... that will tell taehyung reject him.... so he was cautious.... not to make the boy sensitive....

"No.... i.... i want... to.... " the more the heart are closer the words will drop to whisper and that's exactly is happening with them..... the slow melodious and erotic whispers brushing off their ears and face..... creating bubbles in them....

"Thankyou pup..... for being mine.... trust me okay.... and relax..... i won't hurt you.... tell me if... if its too much..... okay.... "  tae was calm.... well outside.... the second jungkook pull out the bold move he was down there to tear the boy and claim him..... but.... he wont..... he was so happy that jungkook accept him fully.... he dont know how to express the feeling of happiness he is in..... being tangled up with his love.... and being asked to be his forever..... he was honoured that's exactly what he was feeling..... a boy like jungkook.... who was scared to do anything like this with an insecure heart ask him to make love..... there is only one meaning behind it..... trust.... the boy trust him with his whole.... and taehyung was beyond cloud nine for it..... not because they gonna make love.... but its the meaning..... and he knw he will bring the sky if he want to protect his boy... because jungkook is someone who is so delicate and to be protected like glass doll..... and he will do it.....

He smile seeing the shy smile on jungkook who was getting smaller and submissive under taehyung..... taehyunv keep a kiss on his forhead lingering it a few seconds and jungkook feel calm in it...... he was them start to get deep kisses all over his face..... taehyunv make sure the boy is relaxing under him..... he linger every kisses a few seconds more.... to make jungkook understand he is loved..... and not used..... taehyung attach his lips to the younger..... ut was slow and gentle.... slowly it deepens.... and get sloppy while his hands finds its way to the younger shirt.... he squeeze the soft belly of the younger making him to moan as tae slip his tongue inside tasting the boy who still have a sweet taste of the ice cream he had as desert.....  and when he squeeze the soft belly again jungkook raise himself in the heat making their lowers to get collide more..... and taehyung feel his hardness rubbing agaist the youngers.... bounded with the clothes they are on.... heating them more..... as a moan slip out of jungkook.... this time a little more erotic.....

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