Chapter 62. The Story of Long Long Ago.

Start from the beginning

Zephiel:'s impossible, you'll just get yourself killed. We're not as strong as the other races, we are the weakest ones.

Raphael: I understand that we are not that strong, but strength does not win wars, (points to head) this does. If we can outsmart the other races, then there is a chance for us to end this war once in for all. I'm going to gather an army to fight in this war. For now, I'll have to study hard and train myself the best I can so when I grow up...I'll be ready.

Zephiel: Then...I'll join you. I'll also study hard and train myself so that in the battle field..I can protect you.

Raphael: (smiling) Then let's make a promise that in our lifetime, we are able to end this war and finally bring peace.

Zephiel: Alright!

I didn't really care about the promise, I just didn't want Raphael to die. I swore to myself that I would protect him and even give my life to him after all, he was the one who truly understands me.

For years, me and Raphael honed our skills. Raphael has been studying hard in order to become a tactician who thought out the battle plans. I, on the other hand learned the arts of the sword so I can protect Raphael on the battle field.

When I reached 18, we were able to gather up a army who were attracted to Raphael's ambitions. We would often target the smaller and weaker armies with Raphael's battle plans and strategies. Raphael was smart and we often times won. Everyone were cheering after their first battle, they felt that with this small victory, they would be able to win the rest of the war. But they haven't seen anything yet, this little victory was only a small taste of the true bloodshed we were about to face.

You see, we encountered an small army of demons one day. Raphael sense something bad and told the soldiers to withdraw. However, with our constant victories, the soldiers believe they stood a chance and decided to confront the demons head foolish they were. Raphael couldn't abandon his fellow comrades and so, he went to save them.

Zephiel: Raphael! You mustn't!! Stop!

Raphael ran into the battlefield as I chased him. When he caught up with the other soldiers, more than half of the army was already dead with only 8 demons surrounding us.

Soldier: Raphael!! Save us!!!

Just then, one of the demons came up behind Raphael and puts his sharp claws on his neck.

Demon: You must be the commander...well then, I'll be sending you to the after life now, I guarantee you won't be lonely.

Zephiel: RAPHAEL!!!

I ran toward him but then one of the demons kicked me down and prevent me from getting up. But that doesn't stop me, I won't abandon him!

Zephiel: Stop this at once! Please! Take my life instead!! JUST DON'T HURT RAPHAEL!!!

Demon: (amused) This is rather interesting. Hehehe!!! Well then, if you want to save your friend, then annihilate the rest of your army!

There was an eerie silence. The demon got off of me and watch what I would do next. There were only about 23 humans alive including me and Raphael. While casting down my head, I got off the ground and unsheathed my sword.

Soldier: (nervously) Z-Zephiel, y-you're not really going to kill us...a-are you?

Raphael: Zephiel! You mustn't! Please, forget about me and run!!

I briefly stared at Raphael's direction.

Zephiel: I'm sorry...but to me, you're more important than anyone in this world. I won't let you die!

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