Mariam handed her the letter and sent her a forced smile, "Hopefully this can ease your spirits." 

Y/N grabbed the paper with shaky fingers and smiled at the sight of Hector's strange penmanship. Curly Ws, abstract Zs, and Ys that had too much of a tail filled the page. 

Dear those at the castle, 

Times are growing weary and the guards are growing restless but I am happy to say that we have finally finished our campaign. To keep things short and preserve ink, I will be returning soon. 


She glared at the piece of paper, "'Returning soon?'" she placed the paper on the table and groaned, "That could mean later today or even three days from now!" 

Mariam began to pour her a cup of tea, "I would not be so worried. He must be capable if we're working with him. The Council of Sisters does not accept just anyone." 

The young woman sighed and leaned back in her chair with a hand covering her face, "Maybe I should simply leave."


"I've been looking for him for months and every single time he evades me," she crossed her arms, "Maybe he just doesn't want to be found." 

"Don't you think you are being a tad too harsh on him?" the vampire poured her own cup.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "I've been nothing but patient with him."

Mariam passed her the teacup.

"Truthfully I have been having thoughts like these for days," she grabbed the tea cup and just stared at the amber liquid.

Mariam traced the rim of her cup, "He speaks highly of you. There is not any true animosity behind his actions."  

Y/N took a sip from her cup, "I know. This entire journey simply feels never-ending. No matter how close I get... It's never enough." 

Mariam watched as the healer continued to sip her beverage with a frown. 


"She's changed, Hector," the vampire frowned, "Her mind is twisted with something."

"Greed," Hector commented with hardened eyes as he hit the silver slab. A cadaver twitched and mutated into a grotesque creature. 

"It's not greed!" Lenore hastily denied, "It has never been about greed. It's about survival." 

He continued to resurrect dead bodies.

Lenore glared at him, "Do not ignore me, Hector." 

The sound of metal banging against metal continued. She watched as Hector went over to the pile of bodies and heaved one up to place on the metal slab. 

She waited until he brought the hammer over his head. At the moment he brought his hand down she gripped his wrist. 

"Don't disrespect me, Hector." 

He struggled to pull his arm out of her grip.

Lenore smirked at the weakness of his pull, "Why are you in such a rush? I have never seen you move with such hast before."

"Carmilla has proven how serious she is."

Lenore chuckled and released her grip on Hector before sitting down on the stool next to him, "Carmilla has always been serious. Has the poison in her words finally scared you?" 

He brought his hammer down with great force, "She has threatened Y/N's life." 

"Oh," her eyes widened, "I'm surprised you haven't come across Y/N on your own. With her being in the castle and everything."

He dropped his hammer. "She's in the castle?" 

Her eyes pulled up and together. "...What did Carmilla tell you?"

"Nothing about Y/N being in the castle." 

"...I see," she inched towards the door before breaking out into a sprint.


She closed the door behind her and pulled a key out of her pocket before locking the door. 

"Lenore! LENORE!" 

The door shook at the violent hits of the forgemaster.

Lenore wrapped her arms around herself and walked down the hallway, attempting to ignore Hector's screams.

"Carmilla," Lenore whispered with a frown. 

She didn't want to imagine what Carmilla would do if she found out her plans were ruined. Carmilla hated when everything didn't go according to plan.  


The light click of her heels filled the hallways. Carmilla smiled at the beautifully forged letter in her hand. She placed the letter on the tray along with the two teacups. 

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." 

Carmilla entered the room to see Y/N staring out the window with a forlorn expression.  The vampire walked into the room and placed the tray on the table. 

"A letter came in today," she handed the letter over to the healer, "It's from Hector."  

A smile bloomed on the healer's face as her eyes skimmed over the words.

The vampire's lips threatened to quirk up, Y/N's happiness was truly infectious. Carmilla sat down across from Y/N and simply admired the other woman's expression.

Her time with Y/N had been fun and enlightening. It had been centuries since she looked at a human as something other than a meal.

Will you finally be happy then? Lenore's words rang in her mind.

The vampire sipped her tea to cover the smile coming over her face.

Y/N looked at her from over the letter before going back to read the note.

I think I will be

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