Meeting With The Devil

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"Did you honestly think you'd get away with this? I suppose I can't blame you. You are Unrated after all," Young said, snapping his fingers, signaling the guards to move towards them. "I'd like a meeting with Mr. Carter. The rest of you can wait here." His cold eyes locked onto Hunter. "I suggest you come inside, boy." Without another word, President Young waited for a guard to open an interrogation room door and stepped inside. 

Hunter could barely keep his composure as he moved towards the door. The sound of his heartbeat smacking against his eardrums was all he could hear. Two guards quickly put handcuffs around his wrists and walked him inside. 

Young sat there with his hands interlocked and his eyes closed. His pure white suit with a blue tie seemed to sparkle under the lights. The guards sat Hunter down and stood behind him. "Leave us," Young ordered.

"But, sir," A quick glance made the guard stop talking and exit the room with the others. 

"I swear, no matter how much I try, I just can't keep good help around. Someone's always there who just can't take an order without some sort of input. I bet you're wondering how I got here so fast. Well, you have Maddox to thank for that. He told me you were heading this way as soon as you stepped onto his little camp. I didn't waste a second and hurried over. I bet you think you were smart. Trying to send my Skycar on a different path. I don't know who you got to do it, but I'll find out. I always find out."

Hunter scoffed. "If you're gonna kill me, then do it. Just let the others go. They don't have anything to do with this."

Young threw his head back and laughed, "Don't tempt me, boy. I'd love nothing more than to see your lifeless corpse on the ground. However, I think I have a better punishment for you. I know I'll take great pleasure in it. You've ruined so much. Tell me, how many people need to die in order for you to understand that you're no match for me? So many have died because you exist. Your parents, countless Unrated, and many others. How many, Hunter?"

"I didn't kill anyone. It was all you. You killed so many people just to get where you are. Did you ever stop to think about the lives you ruined? You've killed more people than I can count. You're something less than human. I'm filth, huh? Then what does that make you? How does it feel to have trash like me beat you at every turn? How does it feel knowing I beat all of your attempts to kill me? It doesn't matter what you throw at me! I'll beat you again and again! I won't give in to you or anyone!"

"This is why I can't stand you or your family. All of you have a special skill that involves causing me a headache. Let me let you in on something. There was a time when I called your father a friend."

"Bullshit!" Hunter yelled. "My dad would never hang out with someone like you!"

"It's true. Jackson was the representative of the Unrated. I used to meet with him in secret in the beginning. I needed to make sure you Unrated were being kept in line. I'd make sure he had what he needed, and he made sure I didn't receive any problems. Things were going fine until he decided to turn on me. I tried so hard to get him to see reason, but nothing would get through that skull of his. I'd tell you the rest, but you already know what happens next," Young said with a sinister smile, then his face turned to stone. "There's something that's been bothering me. Alissa, where is she?"

Hunter laughed, "Now, you're concerned about her? Alissa is somewhere far away from here. Somewhere she'll never have to see your face again!" The look of irritation on Young's face made Hunter's smile grow. "Suddenly feeling like being a father? She deserves better. As long as I live, I'll never let you hurt her ever again. Do you hear me, Michael? Heh, I guess this is a bad time to bring up that we're together, huh? Is this the part where I ask for your blessing, or is it too late for that?"

Young stood up and struck Hunter across the face repeatedly. "I told you never to say her name! You useless pest!"

Hunter kept his smile as the taste of blood coated his tongue. "I care about her. I really do. I'd do anything for that woman. If it means getting hit by you or being hunted for the rest of my life, then so be it. As long as she's safe, then I did something right. What's the matter? Can't stand the thought of her falling in love with an Unrated? Well, get fucking used to it! Keep beating me; if it makes you feel better, then keep going. This is the only way you'd win a fight anyway."

Young's anger turned into outright fury as he continued beating Hunter. "Pest! Filth! Trash! Scum!" Each word was punctuated by a punch to Hunter's face and body. He pushed Hunter away from him as he held his injured hand. "By Lucian, I hate you."

Hunter spat the blood in his mouth on the floor. "Really? Couldn't tell." Suddenly, Hunter's body lurched forward as a look of concern covered his face. Pain surged throughout his head as he could feel his consciousness start to fade. 

"What's wrong, boy? The pain finally sinking in?" President Young asked, smirking.

Hunter could feel himself start to fall into the same darkness he was in when they faced David. Hunter slammed his head on the table with a yell. His head rested there for a few minutes before his body straightened, and his demeanor changed. A burst of twisted laughter came out of Hunter's mouth as he glared at Young. The voice that came out of his mouth wasn't his own. It was both calm and insane. "Well, now, look who it is? It's been far too long, Michael. I've been looking forward to seeing my "friend" again."

"Finally lost it? I'm not surprised. You must be desperate," President Young said with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't call it desperation more like excitement. Hunter had his turn to talk, and now it's my turn. I've been waiting years for this moment. Come on; I know you remember me. Do you remember that man you killed? That foolish man who helped you achieve your dream? That man who gave you everything and got a bullet as thanks!" Hunter's words were coated in venom as he spoke. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, boy. I'm finished with this conversation. It's time for us to ready your punishment," Young said as he stood up. 

"Michael, don't walk away from me. What? Don't feel like killing me again? Your poor partner? I know my name still haunts you to this very day. Or does the name Jarvis White mean anything to you anymore?"

President Young stopped in his tracks. His face was frozen with fear. "Where did you hear that name?"

Hunter's body leaned forward as his face twisted with twisted joy. "That's it. That's the look I was looking for, Michael. I'm going to make sure you're the one who gets killed. I've crawled out of hell just for you, and I've found someone who hates you as much as I do."

"Jarvis? Impossible. You don't know anything about that man!" Young said, slamming his fist on the table. 

Jarvis leaned back in the chair. Enjoying every second of this. "Let's see...I was killed, by you, in your office after I pushed your plan through. Once it was approved, you made me believe I would have a spot by your side. We talked, and you gave me glass after glass of wine. All to numb the pain. To keep me from realizing what you were going to do. You murdered me in cold blood. I gave you everything!"

"Guards!" President Young yelled. The door swung open immediately. "Take him into the hallway with the others. It's time I dealt with this filth once and for all."

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