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Alissa felt her heart beat faster and faster as she stood there. "Did he just say he liked me? Did I hear that right?" 

"Everything alright?" Isiah asked.

"Ah-huh," Alissa said. "Thanks for the help." She opened the door and met Hunter's eyes. She could tell he was blushing a little. "H-hey."

"Hey, how'd it go?" Hunter asked.

"Good, it hurt, but I think I'm alright. I'm just glad it's out. Are you guys hungry? I think dinner is about to start."

Zach scoffed. "It's nowhere near my quality, but it'll do. I can't wait to get my restaurant open. Don't worry, guys. I won't let the fame go to my head...much."

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Z. I'm glad you won't forget about us, little people."

"I could never forget you, Hunt. You're like a headache. I don't mind being around," Zach smiled. He nodded towards the door. "Shouldn't you go get that girl?"

Hunter's eyes drifted towards Naomi's door. "Yeah." He walked over and knocked on her door. "Hey, we're going to go get some food. I know you're hungry. You should come." there was silence then the door slid open a little. Naomi peeked out. Hunter smiled. "Hey," He signed.

"Are you done?" Naomi signed.

"Yeah, these are my friends. You should meet them. I promise they don't bite."

Naomi looked past him towards Alissa, who waived. "She's pretty."

"I know," Hunter signed.


The group found a table in the back of the dining hall. Everyone else in the hall looked like they had just come back from a war. They all had blank scared expressions on their faces. Only a handful of people looked like they regretted the last couple of hours. Hunter could only wonder what they could've been through. Or what they could've done. 

The doors to the dining hall opened, and rows of food were wheeled out. But no one was happy. Everyone looked like they were ill. Suddenly, the room changed. Not just in the atmosphere. It was like everyone was put into a trance. Everyone but their group. Hunter looked toward Isiah and noticed he was mimicking everyone else. Hunter got the hint and did the same. In less than a minute, everyone snapped out of their despair and had happy looks on their faces. They had just been reset. 

"That's freaky," Zach said. "Is that what we looked like?"

"I hope not. I wonder what's doing that? Who's controlling the chips?" Alissa asked. 

"Beats me. Just play along," Isiah said. His eyes widened as he saw David walk in and sit at the opposite table. They made eye contact before Isiah looked elsewhere. His mood changed as he saw Rose enter the dining room. "Rose!"

She turned to him and hurried over. "Hello, you lot. What's up?"

"How are you feeling?" Isiah asked.

"I feel grand. Why?" Rose asked, sitting beside her brother.

"Can't I ask how you're doing?"

"You can, but you always worry about me. I'm a big girl, Izzy. I can handle myself," Rose said.

"I know, Rose. I'm just trying to be a good brother, that's all." Isiah's eyes drifted to the table. 

"Well, you're not doing a terrible job. How are you?"

"I'm okay. I'll be better soon. Hopefully."

One by one, every table got up and grabbed a plate of food. It didn't take long for Hunter's table to get called up. Hunter grabbed a nice juicy hamburger and fries. He wanted to get more but decided against it. Once everyone got back to the table, a loud voice boomed across the hall. "Good evening, everyone. I'm sorry for interrupting your meals, but I wanted to congratulate all of you for gathering points."

Hunter froze as he had to listen to President Young. He instinctively looked at Alissa, who had the same worried expression he did. 

"I know everyone is excited for the games to start. I understand. We have a lot of things planned for you. I look forward to watching each and every one of you. Have a good night, participants," Young said as the hall burst out into cheers and laughter. All except Hunter's table. 

Hunter turned to Alissa. "Hey, are you..." Before he could get his words out, she got up and hurried out of the dining hall. "I'll be right back." He hurried after her. "Faith, hold on!" He followed her outside as she began to cry. "Hey, what wrong?"

"What's wrong? He's what's wrong! He's doing this to them and then lies in their faces! Hunter, everything about this is wrong!" Alissa said. Hunter was surprised. He had never heard her shout before. "I hate that everyone worships him. He thinks he's a god! It makes me sick!" Her sobs made him feel terrible. He hated how Michael Young couldn't possibly understand what either of them were going through. He didn't care what Young thought of him, but he hated seeing Alissa cry. "Hunter, this has to end."

Hunter sat beside her and did something he never thought he would have the courage to do. He pulled Alissa into his arms and hugged her. "I told you I'd be your tissue when you needed me." She buried her face in his chest and cried. "I promise we'll find a way to make this work out. He's gonna pay for hurting you."

Hunter's body tightened as he felt her wrap her arms around him. He was sure she could feel how fast his heart was beating. She felt so small in his arms. He couldn't help but smile. "Hey, look at me." Alissa looked up.  Hunter took his hand and wiped her face. "You're too pretty to be crying your eyes out." Her eyes sparkled as they looked into his."As long as I'm here, I'll do my best to make you smile. Okay? No more tears."

"Hunter," Alissa said. Her throat felt dry as she said his name. 

"Yes?" She brought her face close to his and kissed him deeply. All the sadness. All the anger. Everything melted away. The only thing that mattered to either of them was this moment. 

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Where stories live. Discover now