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President Young watched the Skycar take Hunter's friends back to their Zone. It took a few hours, but he was satisfied. He was hellbent on making Hunter suffer, which was the first step. Still, something bothered him. "How did he know about Jarvis? I made sure no one remembered him. So how could Hunter Carter know his name?" 

His eyes moved to Hunter being put into another Skycar. For a moment, Hunter glared up at him. Rage roared in his eyes. President Young only smiled at him as the Obsidian Guard shoved him into the back. Seeing him in this position felt right to Young, and seeing an Unrated getting stomped into the dirt made him smile. 

The door to his office opened, and Isiah stepped inside. "Here's the completed list, sir," Isiah said, placing the hit list on President Young's desk. 

President Young picked up the list and looked over it, "As expected of you, Isiah. Well done. I'm proud to call you one of my assassins. I'm glad to have you back."

"I appreciate the vacation, sir. I must've enjoyed myself more than I should've. I can barely remember it. Still, glad to serve."

President Young looked over Isiah's face. Looking for any sign of the memory wipe not working. He was the hardest to get back under control. It brought him great joy when Isiah addressed him with the respect he was used to. It would've been so easy to have him killed for his insolence. Instead, he decided to reset him and make Isiah obedient again. "Walk with me, won't you? I have something that you need to see." He walked with Isiah through his office and onto the elevator. "Do you remember when I first brought you here? When I choose to make you one of my assassins?"

"Of course I do. You gave me an opportunity of a lifetime. I wanted to show you I could be useful."

President Young smiled, "You're very useful, young man. You and the others. Do you remember Xavier Wright? He was taken from us too soon."

Isiah clenched his fists, "If I ever see the man who killed him, he wouldn't live to see the next morning. Xavier was my mentor. I owed him everything. He believed in me, and he was killed. I still can't believe it."

"I'm so glad to hear you say that," President Young said as they descended into the depths of the building. "I've been working on something for a long time. Something that would make my rule and those who follow me eternal. Xavier's loss was a great hit to my assets. After his death, I knew I had to do something." He exited the elevator, and they walked down a long hallway. President Young pressed his hand on a scanner, and a large door slid open, revealing a large tube between computers and scientists. "There's a reason I had his body recovered. Xavier was a fighter; I have to give him that."

Isiah could barely make out what was in the tube. It was filled with some sort of blue liquid, and something was floating inside with an oxygen mask. "What the hell is that?"

"Not what, who," President Young corrected as he walked up to a panel and pressed a few buttons. He grasped the microphone and smiled, "Good morning, Xavier."

Xavier's eyes opened slowly in response; he tilted his head to the side and waved.

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora