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"Morning," Hunter said, walking into the kitchen. He noticed everyone was already eating. Hunter understood. He would've felt worse if he was the cause of people enjoying themselves. Hunter walked and kicked up some eggs and toast. He was about to head to the bacon when Shaun blocked his path.

"You good?" Shaun asked.

"No, but I'm working on it," Hunte smiled. 

Shaun looked at him and nodded. "Fair enough, at least you're admitting it this time." He grabbed two pieces of bacon and put them on Hunter's plate. "You know I can tell."

"I know, Doc."

"How's your eye?" Shaun asked. He started touching Hunter's scar.

"Still hurts a little. Vision's not great, but I still can see."

"I'll clean it later. I just got some new drops for you to help with the nerve damage. Now, go sit down," Shaun moved past Hunter and sat next to Zoey. He leaned over and kissed her. "Hi," Shaun says, smiling.

"Hey," Zoey smiled back. Hunter laughed. They reminded him of his parents. Always looking forward to seeing each other. "Can I ever find love?" Hunter thought.

"Hunt! Get over here! Stop standing over there like a statue," Zach shouted.

"Would you shut up? He's right there," Zoey said.

Hunter took the open seat next to Alissa. It took everything he had to look at her. "Hey."

Alissa looks up at him and smiles. "Hey."

"Listen, Alissa. I'm sorry about this morning. I had a bad dream that involved you. I need to work on some things. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"Hunter, you don't need to apologize. I get it. I've had dreams like that too. I understand. At least you're okay," Alissa said.

"What's everyone doing today?" Zach asks. "Hunt and I are going to go train for The Games."

Hunter's head shot up. "We are?"

"Yes, we are. We need to get to work. I know a nice gym we can go to."

"Maggie, Shaun, and I are going to meet someone that can help me get into The Games without my father noticing," Alissa said.

"Huh? How?" Hunter asked.

"Fake IDs and such," Maggie said. "Also, a total makeover for Lissa."

"I need to be unrecognizable," Alissa shrugs.

"I probably shouldn't ask any more questions. Zoey? What about you?" Hunter asked.

"I need to get started building a case on that Quincey guy. I should have something by the time you get back," Zoey said, taking some toast off Shaun's plate.

"I'll send you the info he told me. It's not much, but at least it's something. He works for Xavier's company. That should narrow it down," Hunter said.

"Ah, you sound like a real lawyer. Maybe you should work for me?" Zoey laughed.

"I'd rather eat my own hand. That's all you," Hunter laughed.

"Fine more for me. Which gym are you going to, Zach?"

"Everest Point. It's about twenty minutes from here."

"Oh! I have a friend who works there. I'll tell her you two are coming. She'll take care of you."

"Thanks, Sis!"

"Yeah, sure. Well, I have to get to work. See you guys later," Zoey says, throwing her trash away and kissing Shawn one last time before leaving. 

"We should go to. It's a long drive. Levi said he's cool with us coming," Maggie said.

"Levi?" Alissa asked.

"The guy we're meeting. He gave us a location to go to."

"I thought we were going to his house?" Shaun asked. "We better not be going somewhere shady."

"I looked it up. It's a coffee house in The Bronze Zone called The Round Table. It has good reviews," Maggie says, pulling up the coffee shop. "Look, it doesn't look bad."

"Alright, let's go. Hunter, don't overexert yourself. Zachary, don't do anything stupid," Shaun said.

"No promises!" Zach said. "Let's go, Hunt."

"Fine," Hunter turns to Alissa and smiles. "See you later." 

"See you, Hunter. Be careful, okay?" Alissa says, taking his plate and throwing it away.

"Okay, and thank you. You guys stay safe too. Call me if anything comes up."

"Sure," Alissa says, walking outside with Shaun and Maggie.

"Time to blow off some steam. Let's go get ripped!" Zach said, walking out towards Hunter's car.

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Where stories live. Discover now