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1 hour ago

After leaving Hunter and the others, Isiah returned to his room to gather his duffle bag. He changed into his assassin gear but took a moment to look at his mask. The Clover. He was the lucky one. Isiah laughed at the thought. He was anything but lucky, and he knew it. Even though he was the only one left out of the four of them, he felt like he shouldn't have been. The others were better at fighting and killing than he was. The fact he was still alive was nothing short of a miracle. 

He put his mask on and took a deep breath. As he turned to leave, the monitor in his room turned on, and Levi came on screen. "We have a problem."

"What now?" Isiah asked, setting his bag down.

Levi didn't say anything. Instead, he pulled up a video showing a shuttle moving out of formation and speeding into the forest. "I don't think I have to tell you who was on that one."

Isiah's blood started to boil. It was Young. He knew it. No doubt trying one last time to kill Hunter and the others. One last screw you. "Do you know where they went?"

"They didn't reach the outside of the forest. The camera grid only went so far. However, I did hear something that sounded like a crash about five minutes after they turned. I've told Shaun and Zoey about it. They were on their way anyway, so you guys should meet up."

Isiah picked up his bag and checked it one last time. He took out a dagger and his handgun and strapped them to his belt. He also took out a small device. "Can you call me on this? It's a burner." Isiah gave Levi his number. 

"Got it! How are you going to get out there?" Levi asked.

"I'll find something," Isiah said as he walked out of his room. He made his way down the stairwell and went through the service entrance. So far, no one was around. That was until he exited the building, and three staff members were huddled around a van. "Ah, lovely. You made my job easier. I'm gonna need those keys."

They all turned to him in unison. One tried going for their radio when Isiah shot near their leg. He was glad they gave all of them silenced pistols. "Don't try it, love. I'm not in the mood. Toss the keys and leave. I won't give you a second chance."

"A-All right, here, just don't hurt us," She said, tossing the keys over. Isiah, still aiming his gun at the woman, picked up the keys.

"Thank you. Now, walk away and leave the radios. If I even hear you yelling for help..."

One of the male staff took a step backward. "Don't worry, man. We won't. We don't get paid enough. This job ain't worth it." The three of them started walking away, slowly picking up speed. 

Isiah got into the van and started driving. "Levi, where am I going?"

"You'll drive straight for about an hour, then take a sharp left. The destroyed trees should tell you you're going in the right direction. I'm going silent for a bit. Something just came up on my end. Later," Levi said, disconnecting. 

Isiah wasted no time as he drove down the road. He hit the gas as soon as he was out of sight of the hotel. It didn't take him long to find the destroyed trees. As he drove down the road, he got a sinking feeling in his chest. He just hoped Rose was okay. If anything happened to her, he'd kill Young himself. The sight of smoke coming from an overturned shuttle didn't make things better. He immediately stopped the van and ran over to the wreck. His footsteps slowed as he saw two figures. He was about to take aim when he recognized them. "Shaun? Zoey?" Isiah took off his mask.

Shaun's head snapped toward Isiah. "Oh, it's just you. What the hell happened here? We were on our way to the meeting spot when Levi called us." He turned and glanced at the bodies. "By Lucian. These poor people."

Zoey was desperately looking at each body. "They're not here," She sighed in relief. "Still, how could someone do this?"

"Not that surprising, love. You know who could do this. Still, it's a shame. This lot just wanted to be a part of the games." Isiah then noticed something on. He put his mask back on and looked at two different sets of tire tracks. "Look at this, two traces going in different directions. Both RVs."

Shaun looked at the tracks closest to him. "How the hell did you see that?"

"My mask lets me see certain things. It...helps us track our targets better. Don't say it. I know it's messed up." He turned and followed the tracks with his eyes. "I'm going to go this way. These tracks are older." He then pointed to an indent in the ground. "Something was dragged away. Maybe a person? You two should leave. No telling what's gonna happen."

Zoey shook her head. "No way. They may need help. If it were you, would you leave? Not knowing if your sister was okay?"

Isiah sighed. "No, I wouldn't. But, I have the means to do something about it. Let me handle this. It might get messy."

"All the more reason we should go," Shaun said. He turned toward the van. "Who's van is that?"

"Doesn't matter," Isiah let out a big sigh. "Alright, fine. You two are more stubborn than a brick wall. In the van. Let's go."

"What about the car?" Zoey asked Shaun.

"Eh, it's a rental. Levi scored it for us. Fake name, of course," Shaun winked.

They piled into the van and followed the tracks Isiah found. 


Isiah pulled up to a large run-down building with guards posted out front. "That doesn't look like Young's guys. You guys stay here. I'll go check it out." Before they could say anything, Isiah got out of the car and stayed close to the ground. He snuck over to the gate and stayed in the cover of the bushes. He unholstered his knife and waited.

"That kid, man. He didn't have to kick me so hard," One of the guards said, rubbing his chest.

"I know, and what was up with his eyes? I've never seen someone with two different colored eyes—kind of freaky. I don't know why Maddox wanted to talk to him," The other guard said.

As soon as he heard that, Isiah swooped up behind one of the guards and held his blade to the guard's neck. Pushing it in, so a bit of blood was drawn. 

"What the fuc-" The guard didn't get to finish. Isiah punched the guard in the back of the head and quickly subdued the other guard. He then grabbed the guard he had before and held his knife up to his neck again. The other guards took notice and started to run over. "I'll ask you lot once. Is someone named Hunter here? If so, bring him out here now! Or else bodies will start piling up. Your choice, gents. Hard way or the easy way?"

The guards held up their weapons.

Isiah sighed. "Right, hard way it is."

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