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Quinn was woken up by Yuri licking his face. "Alright, I'm up. Stop." Quinn pushed Yuri out of his face and sat up. Noticing the time, he grabbed his phone and called Alice.

"Hey, I slept longer than I wanted. Got anything for me?" Quinn said, yawning.

"You're not going to believe this. I found a lot about Xavier, and it's...wow! I'm coming over," Alice said, disconnecting.

"Sounds like she found something. See, boy, I told you I'd find something." Quinn smiled.

Yuri ignored him and walked into the living room.

"You're just jealous," Quinn said, hearing a knock at the door. "Hold on!" He walked to the door and opened it. Alice was standing there with her laptop.

"You're gonna want to sit down for this," Alice said, walking past him and sitting on the couch. Yuri came over and sat next to her. "Hey, Yuri. You babysitting Quinn?"

Yuri barked.

"Good boy. Keep Quinn out of trouble, okay?" Alice said, petting Yuri.

"I doubt you came over to hang out with Yuri. What did you find?" Quinn asked.

"This. Remember last year when The Masked Man Murders happened? Well, look. This is a picture of the guy. Look familiar?" Alice asked.

"That could be literally anyone. It's not even that clear of a picture." Quinn moved the screen back.

"How about this? When Alana's team investigated the house of Oliver Rose. Where the Masked Man was found. They found blood at the scene. That blood belonged to a couple of different people. However, one stood out. Alana had forensics look at it, and they said it was Xavier's blood. He was there." 

"Really? Why was he there? How much blood?" Quinn asked.

"Yes, yes, a lot. It was in multiple rooms, especially on the deck facing the lake. A knife was found too. It was covered in his blood. I think Xavier was murdered there. But where's the body? No one ever saw it."

"Didn't The Obisidian Guard take it?" Quinn asked.

"Nope, no record of it was ever filed."

"Did someone take it? Who would want a dead body?" Quinn asked.

"That I don't know. That's all I got." Alice shut her laptop.

"There has to be more. The knife. Did it have any fingerprints on it?" Quinn asked, pacing the room.

"Hold on...no. It was clean when they got there. I know I couldn't believe it. Why clean the handle and not the whole thing?"

"Because someone is either covering for the killer or the killer did it to hide their identity. You said other blood samples were there. Who did they belong to?" Quinn asked, standing in place.

"Classified, sorry." Alice shrugged.

"By who?"

"President Young himself. He told The Guard to keep the names of the individuals private. The trail ends there," Alice said, walking to the front door. "I wish I could help more, but that's all I could find."

"No, thanks, Al. I really appreciate it. That helps more than you know." Quinn smiled.

Alice gave him a nod and then left.

Quinn sits on his chair and lets out a deep breath. "This is crazy. Why was he there? Was he murdered? If so, then by who? What were you up to, Xavier? I can't ask for the list of names from forensics. So many questions!" Quinn turned to Yuri, who was asleep. "At least one of us can relax." 

Quinn grabs his phone, and it starts ringing.

"This is Quincey," Quinn answers.

"Do you want to tell me why a lawyer was asking for you yesterday? Or why they stormed into the office?" Alana asked.

"I have no idea."

"Really? Come to the office. I have a video to show you," Alana asked, disconnecting the line.

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Where stories live. Discover now