Found You: Part One

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"What's taking him so long?" Quinn asked himself. He's been parked outside Hunter's apartment for hours. "What's even my plan here? Hey, Mr. Carter, my old boss left me a video telling me to find you. Yeah, right." Quinn held Xavier's journal in his hand. He kept looking at the page he found. Find the man in the picture. Quinn was used to doing long stakeouts, but this one was the most nerve-racking. "Should I just go home? This could be a waste of time. I should come back when I have something concrete." As soon as Quinn was about to drive off, he noticed Hunter's car pull into the parking lot. "Or not," Quinn says, putting the journal in his jacket.

Quinn watched him get out of the car. He also saw that he wasn't alone. "Zachary Wells. I remember him," Quinn said. He'd been watching Hunter for a while. Looking into who he hung out with was part of his job. Hunter rolled his eyes at something Zachary said as they headed into the apartment. "They look close," Quinn thought, exiting his car and following them from a distance. The apartment they lived in was big enough. If they saw him, they would just think he lived there. Quinn watched them get onto the elevator. The lights above the elevator stopped at floor eleven. He called the elevator and headed up after them. Quinn always thought that getting into places he wasn't supposed to be a skill of his. Getting caught was another story. He would usually get enough information before that happened.

The elevator door opens, and Quinn notices a problem. He didn't know which apartment they were in. "It would be weird if I just went around knocking on doors until I found them. Think Quinn." He noticed an elderly woman exiting her apartment holding many bags. One fell out of her arms, and she tried to bend to get it causing all the bags to fall. Quinn rushed to her aid. "Let me help you," Quinn said, picking up the bags for her.

"Thank you. Those boys are so loud. I was about to go ask them to help me take these to the trash chute." She points to a small box with a handle. "I thought I could do it. I'm not as young as I used to be. Would you mind helping me?"

"Of course not, ma'am. I got it." Quinn took the bags and threw them down the chute. "What was in these? Bricks?" Quinn thought. "All done."

"Thank you so much. Would you mind telling those boys they are the worst neighbors ever? I would, but I'm tired."

"I was actually on my way to see them. I work with Hunter in the Platinum Guard. Our captain told me to give him something. Which one was his place? Sorry, our boss didn't tell me which one was his," Quinn said. He hated lying to the elderly. It felt scummy.

"Oh, that's easy. That one there." She pointed at the door next to hers.

"HUNT! COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO!" Zach yelled.

"STOP YELLING!" Hunter replied.

"Oh Lucian, they're idiots," Quinn thought. "So, that one then?"

"Yep, they're lucky I don't report them. Have a good night. What's your name?"


"Oh, I like that name. I'm Charlotte. Give Hunter an earful for me," Charlotte says, going into her apartment.

"Oh, I intend to." Quinn stood in front of Hunter's apartment door. He made a mental note about the door number and knocked on the door.

"HUNT! GET THE DOOR!" Zach yelled.

"You get it! You're closer." Hunter replied. "Ugh! Fine!" Hunter opened the door. "Can I help you?"

Quinn held out his badge. "Quincy Edwards from The Wright Investigations. Hunter Cater, I have some questions for you. Do you have a moment?"

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