Truth: Part One

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Isiah opened the door to their room, and he practically fell onto the couch. Hunter, Zach, and Alissa sat on the opposite couch as everyone reflected on what had just happened. Naomi sat on the floor and put the crossbow on the table. Rose went into Isiah's room.

"I'll be the first to say tonight's been one hell of a shit show. Two assassins tried to kill us, and Zach lost two of his fingers to one of them," Hunter said, glancing at Zach, who was still shaken up. "It was Sarah and David. They both were working for your dad. I may have gone a little crazy. I honestly don't remember what I did."

"I do," Isiah said. "You were having the time of your life beating the snot out of David. I gave you a summary before, but you were just like Xavier. Ruthless and loving every moment of it. You talked like you weren't you. Like someone else was speaking through you. You kept saying, "Hunter's not here," weird shite like that."

Hunter didn't know what to make of what he was hearing. Isiah was confirming what he knew. He was going insane, and that thing inside his head was the cause of it. Both of the things in his head were making him lose his mind. "I didn't know it was that bad," Hunter said.  "I've been quiet about it, but I think I should mention it. I know it's going to sound insane, but it's true. I've been having hallucinations about Xavier since what happened last year. Also, there's been something else. I can't explain it. Something that's been haunting my dreams. It's been there for a long time. I think that's what you were talking to when we were facing David."

"Are you hearing voices or something?" Isiah asked.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "I know how it sounds, but it's true."

Isiah looked at Zach. "You believe him?"

"Yeah," Zach answered, not wanting to answer questions.

"I believe you too," Alissa said, holding his hand. 

Her warm smile made the pain better. Hunter felt lucky to have her in his life. He could tell she wanted to apologize for her father again, but he put his other hand on hers. "Thanks, it's nice to have people in your corner."

"I never said I wasn't in your corner. It's just a little hard to believe. However, as weird as it sounds, your story checks out with what happened to Xavier from time to time," Isiah said.

"What do you mean?" Hunter asked.

"I'd catch him talking to himself sometimes. At first, I thought he was just thinking out loud, but then I started listening. He was having full-on conversations with something, like passing to hear someone's answer to your questions type of conversations. I think you caught his crazy. I'm not making fun of you, but I think that's what's happening. It'd make sense. You definitely were acting like someone else." Isiah sat up and sighed. "I guess it's my turn." He walked into his room and didn't return for a while. When he did, Rose was behind him along with his duffle bag. They sat on the couch before Isiah continued. "You were right. I have been doing bad things. Horrible things." He opened the bag, and Rose gasped. Isiah pulled out various weapons and sat them on the table. "I'm an assassin, Rose. I kill bad people who deserve it. Everything I've done, I've done to protect you and all of Lucian. It was why I left. It's why I've been distant. Rose, I want you to know I'd never let anything happen to you."

Rose didn't say anything. She just listened and looked at his weapons. 

"You know that, right?" Isiah asked. "I love you. You're the most important thing in my life I have left. I know this is a lot, but I'm telling the truth. You don't have to ever talk to me again if you don't want to. I just wanted to let you know. Just in case something happens. These games are dangerous, as you can see. I never wanted you to be a part of this. I tried to talk you out of it, but you wouldn't take it seriously. I get it. The games seem like a fun thing to do, but they're a trap. A trap to get those desperate enough into one place and kill them if they don't make the cut."

"He's telling the truth," Hunter said. "I thought I could use The Rating Games last year to help me find the person who killed my family. It turned out to be a trap. I almost died. Our last challenge had me and..." His eyes went wide. "Oh shit! Amy!" Hunter bolted from his room and ran towards Amy's. He banged on the door like the place was on fire until the door opened and one of Amy's roommates walked out. "Dude, it's 3 in the morning. What the hell do you want?"

"Is Amy here?" Hunter asked, out of breath.

"She's in her room. The challenge was a lot. I'll tell her some guy showed up and ruined my nap." He tried to shut the door in Hunter's face, but Hunter put his foot in the door. "Dude?!"

"Sorry, but I need to talk to her," Hunter pushed past him and walked to Amy's room "Amy? It's Hunter. I just want to make sure you're okay." It took a moment, but Amy opened the door. She looked exhausted. 

"Hunter? Why are you here?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Just wanted to make sure you're okay. What happened?"

"I'm really sleepy. I don't..." Amy's body fell forward. Hunter caught her and helped her back to her bed. 

"It's been a long day—just rest. I'll be back later," Hunter said, walking back to his room. Once he was back inside, he noticed the room's atmosphere had changed. It was a lot more hopeful. "Did I miss something?"

"Not much," Alissa said, laughing at something Zach said. Isiah and Rose were deep in conversation.

"Uh, did I walk into the wrong room?" Hunter asked, sitting down. He turned to Naomi. "At least you're still normal."

Naomi smiled. "Thank you," She signed.

"Okay, I have a bunch of questions. Do you have to charge? Do you have to sleep? Are you solar powered?" Hunter stopped when he realized he sounded like an idiot. "Sorry."

Naomi laughed. "It's okay. I'm not solar powered. It's kind of hard to explain. Speaking of which." She got up and took a deep breath. She looked at Hunter. "Can you translate for me? It's going to be a lot."

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