Bad Day

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The sting of the cold blade tearing through Hunter's arm was excruciating. But Hunter was tough. Still, he couldn't stop the wincing. Sarah's breathing made it worse. She was enjoying this more than she should've been. "You know, this is how we trained. They'd put us through "tests" and see if we had what it took. They weren't kind to us. They treated us like animals. Did Xavier ever tell you how we got picked to be Young's assassins?"

"He didn't mention it," Hunter said through gritted teeth.

"There were fifteen of us. Xavier was one of the test admin. I'm sure Isiah told you that they starved us, beat us, made us feel less than human, etc. But did he tell you that we had to kill the other test subjects? It was down to six of us and, well, you probably know who won. Xavier loved how I carved that poor boy up. He said I had a talent for killing. He asked me why I liked it. I said I didn't. I just liked hurting people. I was good at it. I knew how to make the pain last as long as possible. It just happened that they always died. I love it more when it's someone that I like. And I like you a lot, Hunter Carter."

Sarah took a step back and examined him. "You really laid into David, didn't you? I thought you were gonna kill him, and I don't say that lightly. David was the best fighter out of all of us. I bet you would've made a great assassin. Oh well. Since you're going to die here, there's no use in what-ifs." Sarah reached down to the bottom of a cart and took put four vials of various liquids. "Pick your poison. Well, one of them is. The others won't kill you, but they will hurt. A lot." Each of the vials was different colors, and none gave off any hint of which would kill him. "Or I could pick for you. Even I don't know which one is the poison."

"Which one is the poison one? Knowing my luck, they're all deadly. The hell am I going to do?" Hunter thought. Suddenly, he heard laughing coming from behind him. He looked at Sarah's face, and she was too focused on him. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Sarah said with a grin. 

"Need some help?" The sound of Xavier's voice made his anger intensify. "You don't need to talk. Just listen. It'd be very unfortunate if you died, so I'll help you out. Just this once. Choose the second one. Trust me. Unlike that other thing in here, I'm actually on your side."

Swallowing hard, Hunter said, "The second one."

Sarah's face didn't give any hint if he was right. She just grabbed the vial and another needle. "Let's make this fun. I'll take one too." She randomly grabbed the fourth vial and jabbed herself in the arm. She then injected Hunter with his choice and waited. Suddenly, she grabbed the table and started coughing violently. Hunter's body began mirroring hers. His arm felt like it was on fire. This time he did scream. Sarah, however, started laughing. "This feels great! Oh, it's been a long time since I've felt this good! Doesn't it make you feel alive?!"

"When I get out of this," Hunter growled.

Sarah's laughter intensified, "You're not leaving, hon. You were dead the second you stepped in here. Same as Zachary. He's probably dead by now. That "Med Team" I asked for was my backup. You didn't seriously think I'd let him go, did you? Same for that girl you were with. She's gonna be dead soon too. All these deaths. All because of you. How does it feel to have a body count? I can tell you there's nothing better than knowing you're responsible for the deaths of multiple people. What was your plan here? You wouldn't have come here early without reason. Was it because of that girl? Do you love her? You do, don't you? Well, I'll make sure her death is as painful as possible." She leaned in inches from his ear and whispered, "I'll let her know you hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. I'll take my time too."

Hunter's anger took control, and he started lashing at her. "If you touch her, I'll fucking kill you!"

"That's it! That's the face I wanted to see! Oh, Hunter, yes, that's it!" She moaned as her breathing became more erratic. "Think about Zach thought he was safe only to get killed as soon as he stepped outside. You want to kill me, right? Make me suffer? Oh, I bet you do."

"No, he has to be ok. Zach, please, don't be dead," Hunter thought as rage took over his mind. Hot tears ran down his face as he screamed. 

Sarah was consumed in ecstasy as she grabbed a blade from the table. "I'm going to take the blue eye. I like that one. It has the most rage in it." She walked over and sat on his lap. She tilted his head back and pried open his eye. "I know you're getting excited too, baby. I know you want this as much as I do." She inched the blade closer to his eye. Stopping just inches from it. "This might sting a little." Before she could plunge it into his eye socket, her eyes shot open as she let out a blood curling scream. She quickly turned around to see Naomi backing away from her. "You little bitch!" Sarah felt behind her and found the object of her pain. She yanked out the screwdriver and held it to Naomi. "I don't know how you got in here, kid. But you should've left. Now, let's see how you like it!" 

Namoi quickly moved behind the cart and kicked it towards Sarah, who dodged it. She quickly launched herself at Naomi with murder in her eyes. Hunter quickly calmed down and nudged the cart behind the chair. While Sarah was distracted, he grabbed what looked like a remote and clicked it. The restraints retracted, and Hunter grabbed the last two vials and a needle. He loaded the needle with both vials and ran towards Sarah, who was about to bring the screwdriver down on Naomi's neck. "Hey!" Hunter screamed as he pulled Sarah off of Naomi and jammed the needle into her neck. 

Sarah's body began to convulse in violent jerks. Her eyes became bloodshot, and she started coughing up blood. She managed to kick Hunter away and back herself towards the wall. A sinister chuckle escaped her throat. "Now that's what I call a date. He was right about you. You are a natural-born killer, Hunter." Sarah continued laughing as blood began leaking from her mouth. She backed into a wall and slid down it. Hunter and Naomi watched as she slumped over. Neither of them moved until they heard the door opening and Isiah rushing inside with blades in his hands. As soon as he saw Hunter, he sighed. "Mate, I seriously thought you..." his eyes move past them and land on Sarah's dead body. "Oh, you've been busy."

Hunter looked at him with vacant eyes. "You could say that." He turned to Naomi. "Are you okay?"

Naomi nodded and took out her first aid kit. "Are you?" She signed.

"Not to but in, but we should go check on Zach. When I found him-"

"Zach's alive?!" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, I thought he was dead when I found him, but he was just sleeping. I also found three dead bodies outside dressed up as medical staff. I'm guessing you didn't do that," Isiah said.

"No, I didn't. No one was here when I got here," Hunter said as a thought came into his mind. "Naomi, how did you know I was in here?"

Naomi stared at the floor and shrugged. 

"Not an answer, love," Isiah said. "Bit weird, you just showed up out of nowhere. None of us knew you existed." His eyes glanced down at her back. "Want to explain why you're bleeding blue blood?"

Hunter quickly looked at her arm and noticed the liquid coming from her wound Sarah had given her. "What is that?" Hunter asked.

"I've only seen it once in The Obsidian Zone. I was at a club, and one of the attendants got hurt by a drunk man. An android assistant. She bled the same blue liquid. You're not human, are you?" Isiah asked.

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