Reunion: Part One

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"Where are those nerds?" Maggie says, bringing over a tray of donuts.

"Aren't you dating one of those nerds?" Alissa says, taking a donut.

"Hey! Those are mine. Zachary will be fine. I'm just glad we all get to meet up. It's felt like forever since we were all in the same room." Maggie looked around the cafe. It was packed. Platinum citizens were going about their lives in their social circles. It was like they all had their force fields. Anyone that got close would be pushed away just as she liked it.

"It has been a while. We all are busy right now with you know what." Alissa whispered.

"Overthrowing your dad?" Maggie said nonchalantly.

"Not so loud! Do you want to be sent to The Wall? That's still treason."

"How long has it been? Since you've heard from him?" Maggie grabs another donut.

"Calories, Mags."

"Like I care. Answer the question."

"Be more specific. Are you talking about the years of neglect or more recent abandonment?" Alissa looked out the window.


"No, Mags! He hired a killer to go after Ollie, he had Hunter's parents killed, and he wants to destroy Ground Zero! You should be pissed too!" Alissa shouted. Eyes found their way to their table. "I'd be lucky if I never heard from him again."

"Who knew donut parties could get so intense?" Zach said, walking into the cafe.

"Not now, Zachary," Maggie said, kissing him. "Where have you two been?" Her eyes drifted over to Hunter. "HUNTER!" She rushed over and hugged him.

"Magnolia, it's been a while," Hunter said, hugging her back. "Alissa, are you doing alright?" He asks, releasing Maggie.

"No, you?"

"Nope, I'm trying to get by." Hunter looked at the donuts. "May I?"

"Sure," Alissa says, holding out the tray.

"Thanks." Hunter pulls up a chair.

"Those are mine. You could've asked." Maggie says, sitting back down.

"Can I?" Hunter said with a mouthful of donuts.

"It's too late now! Jerk. Aren't you just a walking cliche? A guard eating a donut?" Maggie laughed.

"I've had a very emotional morning. This is helping. So, yes, I'll be a cliche. A semi-happy cliche. With a donut. You know what, two donuts. Z, you want one too?"

Maggie glared at Zach. "Nah, I'm good."

"Good boy," Maggie said.

"Well, this isn't how I thought this would go. It looks like we all are hot messes." Alissa leaned back in her chair, arms crossed.

"Isn't that a requirement for joining our group?" Zach asked.

Alissa smirked.

"Ah! You laughed. You're legally obligated to cheer up. That's the rule," Zach smiles. "Tell her, Hunt."

"That's the rule." Hunter agreed.

Maggie rolls her eyes. "Zach, have you heard from Zoey?"

"Yeah, she and Shaun are still planning their wedding. They wanted us to swing by the Obsidian Zone later today. I have to go and pick up my Obsidian ID anyway. You guys up for a road trip?"

"I got the rest of the day off. Plus, I think being around friends would be nice." Hunter said, trying not to think about what happened earlier.

"It would be nice to catch up on the way," Alissa said. "Mags?"

"Like I'd say no. You, jokers, need to be supervised anyway. Or should I say, donut thieves?"

"When'd you get so responsible?" Zach asked.

"Someone has to be. It sure as hell isn't you." Maggie smiled.

A waitress came over with a pot of coffee. "Would you like some more coffee?"

"Yes, please, thank you," Alissa said, holding up her mug.

The waitress turned to Hunter and gasped. "It's you! I remember you. From last year!"

"Shit." Hunter thought. "I'm sure you must be mistaken." He said with a smile.

"I saw you at The Rating Games. You were one of the winners. Can I get your autograph?" The waitress asked.

"Um...sure?" Hunter said, confused.

The waitress handed him her notepad, and he signed it.

"Thank you so much! Don't worry about the bill."

"You're welcome."

The waitress collected the empty donut tray and walked away.

"Looks like you're good for something after all," Maggie said.

"Told you he has his moments. Why do you think I keep him around?" Zach asked.

"Excuse me?" Hunter laughed. "I take offense to that."

"You're right. Can I get your autograph too, Mr. Carter?" Zach batted his eyes.

"How about my foot up your ass? More personalized. Just for you, buddy."

"Gee, that's great. Really, Hunt. I'm honored."

"Anytime," Hunter said.

"At least you guys haven't changed. I thought that the waitress was talking about something else," Alissa said.

"Yeah, me too. I still can't believe that all happened a year ago. So much has happened. I'm a part of the Platinum Guard, Z's cooking business is about to start, Magnolia is about to start her job at some investigations agency, Hell, even Shaun's now The Chief of Medicine. We've all been busy, that's for sure. Z, how's our favorite lawyer doing?"

"Good. She's doing big things as always. I'm proud of her. Thanks to her, I was able to start my business."

"Should we get going? You've got a long drive ahead, Hunter." Alissa said, grabbing her coat.

"When did I volunteer to drive? You drove here. Why can't we take yours?"

"Easy, we don't want to drive. Also, Mr. Celebrity, It would be an honor for you to drive my car." Maggie said, leading Zach out of the cafe.

"I hate all of you," Hunter said, standing up. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go," Alissa smiled as they headed towards the entrance.

"Excuse me! Mr. Carter!" The waitress shouted after them.

"Yes?" Hunter asked.

"I wanted you to have these." She handed them a box of donuts. "For the road."

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