Lucian Evening News

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"Good Evening, Lucian City. I'm Dawn Evans, and this is Lucian Evening News. Chaos erupted this morning on The Obsidian Highway when a group of Unrated tried to gain access to the Obsidian Zone by breaking through the main checkpoint. Officials are looking into the incident. No one was injured. Some Unrated have been arrested and are being questioned. We go live to Jackson Stewert for an update."

"Yes, Dawn, this incident seemed to be a surprise to everyone. Hello, Lucian; this is Jackson Stewert, coming to you live from The Obsidian Zone Highway. I'm standing in front of the now vandalized checkpoint. Apparently, this group built up its presence earlier this morning. It started as a normal morning. Not too much traffic. However, it was soon obvious something was not right. More cars than normal started to show up. None of the guards thought this was a coincidence. Soon after, the Unrated got out of their vehicles and started gathering. The crowd started yelling and screaming at the guards to let them in. Some wonder if this will be an isolated incident or if we should be expecting more outbursts like this one. President Young has yet to comment. We will keep all of Lucian City updated as events unfold. Back to you, Dawn."

"Thank you, Jackson. In other news, it has been confirmed that another string of serial killings has been happening around Lucian City. Some say it's random attacks, but after last year's event with the masked killer serial killings, some think otherwise. Could this be a case of a copycat killer? Only time will tell. Now I'd like to turn it over to Ashley Doyle for news for the upcoming Rating Games. Ash?"

"Hey, there, Lucian. I'm Ashley Doyle. I'll be leading you all down the path to The Rating Games this year! This year's Games will be like no others. Rules have been changed. Don't shoot the messenger, but President Young has issued the following message. We'll play it now."

"Good day, Lucian. I apologize for not addressing you in person. Due to recent circumstances, I've thought it best to send this message in my absence. I have changed the rules of The Rating Games. Now, what I'm about to say is non-negotiable. What I'm about to say is now law. Anyone who doesn't adhere to it will be punished. Starting this year, all previous participants will be required to participate in The Rating Games in order to keep their current status. We will refer to these individuals as The Legacies. They will not have a ranking and will go into the games with a blank slate. Those who proved themselves in past Games will have a chance to become one of the first among a new rating. Yes, I am introducing the Diamond ranking. This will be in between Platinum and Obsidian rank. We are working on a location for the Diamond Zone as we speak. I look forward to The Games." President Young's message cut.

"Well! What an unexpected announcement! As to be expected from President Young. Always keeping The Games interesting. No word yet on when The Rating Games will start accepting applications. From the sound of it, those who have participated are guaranteed a spot. So, lucky! We'll keep you updated as we get closer to the time. Back to you, Dawn."

"That's all we have for you. Have a good rest of your evening, Lucian City." Dawn says as the broadcast ends.

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