Shooting Range

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Hunter's heart sank as the news set in. "That idiot!" He hurried over to the event section and looked around. "Which one did he go into?"

Amy pointed to the one that said Hit the Target. Difficulty 4/5. "It's an individual challenge, but you can bring in others if they agree. I was gonna stop him, but by the time I noticed, he was already heading inside with her."

Hunter hurried to the front of the line and tried to peek inside. The attendant saw him and smiled. "Hello, the round has already started. They should be done in five minutes."

"I need to get in there. Any chance you could make an exception?" Hunter asked. If anything happened to Zach, Hunter would lose it, and he wasn't ready to see that side of himself. 

"I'm sorry, but...hold on, you're a Legacy," The attendant paused. "I think I can make an exception. Follow me. Only you, though. Everyone else has to wait here."

Hunter turned to the group. "I got this, guys."

"Don't worry, we're not going anywhere," Alissa reassured. 

"I'll keep them safe," Isiah said.

Hunter nodded and followed the attendant. He followed the attendant down a long hallway before heading into a room. "Excuse me, everyone, sorry for the interruption, but there has been a last-minute addition. A Legacy has decided to participate in this event which means the rules have changed. If you beat his score, then your points are tripled."

"I never agreed to that!" Hunter thought. The room was divided into two sections. One was the waiting room, and the other was behind a large glass wall. Hunter could see three guns sitting on the counter and a shooting range on the other side with five targets. He could also see Zach checking out his weapon. Alongside Sarah. "Can I go against them?"

The attendant smiled. "Sure, but you have to stay for these guys too. Only fair."

"Fine," Hunter said, entering the range. The attendant shut the door behind him. "What are you doing?"

"Hey, Hunt. I'm just testing out my skills. You were gone, so Sarah wanted to play some games. Sarah, this is my roommate and lifetime responsibility," Zach said.

Sarah had her hair in a ponytail and sat her gun on the table. "We met again, Hunter. You must really want to play with us if you barged in here. I don't mind. Zach was just telling me about you. I wish I had a friend with me. Or something more."

"Z," Hunter warned.

"Don't Z me. Just grab a gun and try not to be too sad when I win," Zach said aiming. He took a shot and hit the side of the target. "Damn."

Hunter rolled his eyes and grabbed a gun. It felt light in his hand, thanks to the training he had with the guard. In a few quick shots, Hunter hit four target centers. "Ha! Take that."

"No fair! You had training," Zach whined.

Sarah laughed. "I think I can beat that. Watch and learn, boys." She aimed and hit all five targets effortlessly. Hunter and Zach were stunned. "See, I'm more than a pretty face."

"We have a winner!" The attendant announced. "Sarah has been awarded 750 points, Hunter has been awarded 500 points, and Zachary has been awarded 250 points. Everyone but Hunter, please exit the range."

Sarah sat the gun down and smiled at Hunter. "I could give you some private lessons if you want. You're not a bad shot."

Hunter didn't know how to feel about her. Her green eyes looked like they were looking right through him. It didn't help that she was so close to him. She smelled good. "Thanks, maybe some other time."

"I'm looking forward to it," She winked and walked out. Making sure she brushed up against him a little before leaving.

"Dude, she wants you bad!" Zach said.

"Not interested, and don't just go off with random people. You don't know her. Just be careful."

"I'm not some little kid going into a white van. I can make friends too. Don't worry; I'll go find the others. I'm a big boy." Zach gave Hunter a thumbs up and walked out. 

As soon as he did, two others came in. "Alright, guys, let's make this quick," Hunter said, aiming at the target and firing.


"Boom! Guys who just got 1250 points. That's right, it's me," Hunter said, walking to the group. "But Sarah was an excellent shot. I don't know if I like that."

"You shouldn't," Isiah said. "If she's that good, then she had training like you."

"Why do I feel like you know more about her?" Hunter asked.

"I know her type. She pulls you in with her looks, then strikes. You saw it. Zach was telling us how she destroyed you guys in there."

"She didn't destroy us. I was one-off," Hunter said.

"Anyway, you probably shouldn't go off with people. You're lucky it was just a simple game. It could've been a lot worse," Isiah said.

"I'll be more careful," Zach said. "It didn't seem that bad."

"It never seems that bad until it is. Don't let your guard down. Anything could happen," Hunter warned.

Suddenly, an announcement rang out across the area. "Attention, everyone! It's Cole here. Will all the participants return to their rooms? We have a special gift waiting for you. Trust me; you want to see what it is."

"What do you think it could be?" Alissa asked.

"Knowing this place, it's probably a bomb or something," Hunter said.

Isiah laughed. "Wouldn't put it past them. Come on. We'll see you guys later."

"See you," Alissa said, walking into the building.

"We should head to our rooms too," Amy said as they walked to their Legacy rooms. Amy said her goodbyes and headed inside her room. Leaving Isiah and Hunter alone in the elevator.

"What aren't you telling me?" Hunter asked.

Isiah sighed. "Honestly, a lot. However, I can't tell you."

"It's Young, isn't it?" Hunter asked.

Isiah didn't say anything.

"I'm starting to think he hates me or something," Hunter laughed. The doors opened, and they headed into their rooms. As soon as he opened the door, he saw David waiting in the living room with a large black box sitting on the table. "It's totally a bomb."

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon