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Levi stood there with his hand held out. Alissa smiled at him and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Levi," Alissa said.

"Likewise. So, you need a fake ID? I can do that. In fact, I already did. Your new name is Faith Brooks. You were born Silver, but you want to be a Diamond. Your family left you behind to be Unrated. You couldn't stand the system. With me so far?"

"Not so loud, dummy! Do you want people to hear you?!" Maggie whispered.

"Magnolia. It's been a long time. I haven't seen you in a while. Well, not that you know of anyway. Let's sit."

"DON'T IGNORE ME!" Maggie yelled. People started glancing at them. "Another thing I forgot to mention is Levi's very blunt. Don't take it to heart anything he says."

"Are we doing this, ladies?" Levi asked.

"Doing what?" Alissa asked.

"Upload your ID photo to your application. That's the only part you're missing," Levi said, typing something into his computer.

"How did you know that?" Maggie asked.

Levi looked up at them and smiled, then went back to typing.

"Ollie did the same thing when he was doing something shady," Maggie said.

"Oliver...I'm sorry for your loss, Magnolia. He was a good friend," Levi said. The pain in his eyes was unmistakable.

"Yeah," Maggie said.

"Were you two close?" Alissa asked.

"Very. He was my partner. We basically ran Nexus together. I handled security, and he handled Joey's production. I-I should have seen his death coming. I should have been able to warn him. I didn't even get to say goodbye," Levi let his tears run down his face.

"None of us did. I was there when he was murdered. I saw the killer. In the end, Ollie's murderer was dealt with, but we're not done."

"Damn right you're not. I know Young had something to do with it. I'm going to make that bastard pay. I basically developed his security network. It won't be that difficult to get to him," Levi growled.

"Want to join our crusade? We're going to expose her father to the world. No one can ignore the horrible stuff he's done during The Games. They probably would but not if it's coming from Lissa," Maggie said.

"A crusade, you say? Hmm. Sure, I'm down. Anything I can do to avenge Oliver, I'd do it. I can't wait to take him down! Oh, man, I'm so pumped right now!" Levi said.

"Things look like they're going well. We done?" Shaun asked, sipping his coffee.

"Levi, this is..." Alissa said.

"Dr. Shaun O'Reilly. I know." Levi said, cutting her off. "Levi Thompson. Computer genius."

"I think you forgot to mention the narcissism," Alissa whispered.

"You knew I forgot something," Maggie laughed.

Levi narrowed his eyes at them. "Anyway, I took the liberty to send you all my contact info. You're welcome."

"How did you get our numbers?" Alissa asked.

Levi just smiled at her.

"I should've seen that coming." Alissa shook her head. "Welcome to the team, Levi."

"Team. Ha. Got to get used to that. I normally work solo nowadays. Ah! I almost forgot." Levi frantically typed something on his laptop. "That was close." He sighed.

"What?" Maggie asked.

"Submitting her application. It would've timed out. I hate doing things twice. I put Magnolia's email down for the method of contact."

"Sounds good. Thank you. This is the first step. Next, I need to survive The Rating Games."

"Do you have a plan for that?" Levi asked. "I've seen the messed up stuff that goes on in there."

"I would ask how you knew that but I think I know my answer," Alissa laughed. "Can you be our eye in the sky? Watch over The Games from outside. We can use that footage to show people what's going on. Can you do that?"

Levi burst out laughing. "Sorry, that was just too funny. Can I do that? Ha! It'll be easy. They won't even know I'm there. I'll need some supplies before we do this. I have a handler in The Obsidian Zone. She can get me the equipment I need. Can I hitch a ride?"

"What do I look like a taxi service?" Shaun asked. "Fine. You can ride with us. Once you get your stuff, you'll have to find a place to set up. I don't want the guards to raid my home."

"I got connections. Don't worry about it. I'll message you when I'm up and running. Can we go, now?" Levi grabbed his things and stuffed them in a bag. "Let's go. I meet you at Shaun's car."

"How do you know what I drive?" Shawn asked.

Levi was halfway out the door when he turned around and gave them a wide smile before leaving the coffee shop.

"That man's mad. Glad he's on our side," Shaun said. "Is he already in my car?! I locked it!" He said, rushing out of the shop.

"As I said, weird, but he means well," Maggie said.

"He's definitely...different," Alissa admitted. "Let's go." Alissa and Maggie walked toward the car.

"Don't break into my car!" Shaun shouted.

"I didn't. I just unlocked it with my phone. Don't worry about it. It's not like I'd steal it. I can't drive," Levi said.

"That's not the issue!" Shaun said. "Whatever, let's just go. Don't do that again."

"I promise I won't unlock your car with my phone again," Levi rolled his eyes.

"That's very specific." Shaun sees Alissa and Maggie approaching. "Ready, ladies?"

"Ready!" Alissa and Maggie said in unison. They got into the car and drove back to The Obsidian Zone.

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora