Legacy Dinner: Part Two

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"Oh, shit," Isiah and Hunter said in unison.

"Did you know he would be here?" Hunter asked.

"No. I thought it was beneath him," Isiah said.

President Young grabbed the microphone and gave an exaggerated smile. "Welcome Legacies. I'm humbled to be addressing you all tonight. You all worked harder than your fellow participants to get here. You earned your title of Legacies. I hope your new ranks are treating you well. Especially our five top stops. Let's give them another hand!"

Hunter could feel the bile rise in his throat. "Asshole," He says under his breath.

Isiah kicked him under the table and shook his head. His eyes flicked to the nearby cameras. Hunter settled down and bit his tongue.

"Now, due to the overwhelming amount of new participants. We'll be opening The Rating Games early to decrease the numbers. I know your time is valuable. You've seen it before. I want to make this year's The Rating Games the best ones yet—no need to have so much filler and to wait around. We will also be allowing you to arrive early as well. I'm sure you've heard of the events we put aside for Legacies. These events will be starting next week. One event will be open each week until The Games start. You have two chances to get a head start. I recommend you take it. Diamond Rank will only be given to a select few. You all have the potential to be great. Don't waste it. Now, I don't know about you, but that food smells amazing. I think it's time to eat." President Young handed Cole the microphone and walked off stage, but not before looking into the crowd and looking directly at Hunter. Once he did, he continued off stage.

Caterers came around with dish after dish. Until everyone had a plate full of food. Hunter had last his appetite. "Hunter, why aren't you eating?" Amy asked.

"Not as hungry as I thought," Hunter said, still looking at the stage. It wasn't until Amy and Isiah's eyes widened as someone approached that Hunter tore his eyes away. "What?" Hunter asked, turning around, and his eyes widened as well.

"Hello, everyone. Can I borrow Mr. Carter a moment?" President Young asked, putting his hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"Um, sure," Amy said.

"Okay," Isiah said.

"Please follow me to the main hall. This way," President Young said, not waiting for Hunter to follow.

"Be careful, Hunter," Isiah warned. Hunter swallowed his fear and walked out into the hall. Guards surrounded Young. Hunter saw a chair was waiting for him. Without a word, he took a seat.

"Leave us," President Young said. The Obsidian Guards marched outside, turning to face them. "I thought privacy would be best. So, we finally meet, Hunter. I have to say; I don't see it."

"See what?" Hunter asked, desperately trying to keep his cool.

"The man who killed my best agent. You look like an Unrated who is pretending to be a respectable citizen." He laughed. "Please forgive me; you earned your place here. After all, you've been through a lot."

"Did you just want to insult me? Because it ain't doing anything. I'm used to people talking down to me. That's all you can do. Talk. I'll be honest too. You're not as intimidating as people make you out to be. In fact, I'm not impressed."

President Young's jaw twitched. "You remind me so much of Jackson. Like father like son, right? I want to know if you are going to make the same mistake your father did."

The anger inside Hunter was at its boiling point. It was actually hurting him not to punch Young in the face. "Why did you kill him? Was he such a threat to you that he had to have Xavier kill him? Were you that scared that an Unrated challenged your precious system? All he did was help people."

"He inspired them. Inspiration is dangerous. You've seen the riots. The Unrated are dangerous. They attacked me. We can't just let that go."

"You set that up. I know that. You know that," Hunter growled. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a guard raise his gun toward him.

"Careful. That's the difference between you and me, Hunter. One word from me, and that's it for you. You have no power here, but I'm sure you already know that. I could kill you right now, and no one would miss you."

"Alissa would," Hunter said, smiling. Young smacked him across the face.

"Don't you dare say her name, you scum!" Young growled.

"I think I hit a nerve," Hunter laughed. "I've been hit harder. Your technique could use some work."

"I see that you're just like Jackson. I'll make you regret ever being born." President Young straightened his suit. "This has been very educational, Mr. Carter. I look forward to seeing you perform in The Games. It should be very entertaining. Now, head back to your table."

Hunter wiped his face and headed back inside. 

"Hunter, what happened?!" Amy asked, putting her hand to his face.

"Ah, you know. I had a nice chat with our beloved leader." Hunter winced under her touch. 

"I thought you died, honestly. What did he want to talk to you about?" Isiah asked.

"He wished me luck in The Games. How nice of him," Hunter said, making a fist under the table. His fist was so tight; that his nails broke his skin. Drawing blood.

"Save that energy; you're gonna need it," Isiah said. "I think I'm going to head out. Parties aren't my thing."

"Same here. I want to distance myself from The Rating Games for a while. How about you, Hunter?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, I'm done for the night. If I stay any longer, I might get myself in trouble. More trouble."

"Do you need a lift?" Isiah asked.

"Nah, Zach's coming to get me. I guess I don't have to ask if you guys are going to go early to The Games?"

"Hell no. Why would I?" Isiah asked. "I have no interest in getting Diamond rank."

"Same. I have some last-minute things to handle before we have to go," Amy said.

"Sounds good. I'm not in a rush to go back into that hell," Hunter said. The three of them walked out. Leaving the Legacy dinner behind them.

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant