What Makes A Great Leader?

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President Young watched the news broadcast. He turned towards his windows and looked out to his citizens. He wore a black suit with a white shirt. His hair was slicked back out of his face. Victoria entered the room waiting to be addressed.

"Victoria, you may enter," He said without turning around.

"Sir, do you think it's best to be near the windows? That attack this morning was directed at you. They wanted to raid the city to get here, sir. What if someone sees you?" Victoria sat down in front of his desk. She brushed off her dress and waited for him to speak.

"What do you think makes a great leader?" Young asked.

"I'm sorry, sir?"

"Do you think it's the ability to lead? Having a commanding presence? Knowing what to say?" Young asked. He turned his head slightly. Victoria could make out some of his facial features.

"I'd say it was a combination of all of those things. But, also, each leader brings something unique about them to the table."

President Young turned his head back to the window. "What makes a good leader is how they present themselves to their people. Imagine if I ran and hid from these rioters. How would that make me look? I'd look weak, Victoria. People would start to think I'm not a great leader. People will lose faith in The Rating System. The structure I've spent so long building would crumble. We'd go back to how this nation was before. Neither of us wants that. Am I wrong?"

"NO! I mean, no, sir. I'd never say that. So, what do you plan on doing? I don't think this riot was a one-off. It's a bit scary, to be honest."

President Young turned around and leaned over his desk. Staring into Victoria's green eyes. "No need to be scared. Of course, I have a plan." They both hear a knock on the door. "I'll come up with something. Anyway, please send him in on your way out."

"Him? I don't remember seeing an appointment for you." Victoria scrolls through her tablet.

"It's Isiah. It shouldn't take long. You can head home for the night," Young says, sitting down at his desk. He pulls up camera footage from the riot. His eyes darted from one Unrated to another. A wave of disgust came over him.

Isiah enters the room without permission. "You've been busy!" Isiah smiles as he sits at Young's desk.

"Hey, can't you wait until he says to come in?" Victoria says, annoyed.

"I did. I even knocked. I've got manners, Love. Do you mind making yourself scarce? I have business with him," Isiah said, shooing her away.

"Ugh." Victoria scoffs at him as she leaves the room.

Isiah waits until the door shuts to start talking. "So, bloody brilliant, allowing the riot to happen. How many credits did it take? Did they know that they would get arrested" He started to chuckle.

"You're one to talk. Three murders in a week? Xavier would've done a better job."

"Yeah, well, look where he is now. Sorry to tell you, I'm all you've got. If you want my humble advice, you should prepare for the coming storm. I see it, and so do you. But, hey, congratulations on the new rank announcement. Diamond? Well, done. Don't even get me started on The Rating Game's new rules. I can think of several blokes that are going to love that shite." Isiah smiled.

"Are you finished? Even Xavier never talked this much."

"STOP COMPARING ME TO THAT ASSHOLE!" Isiah paused. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."

"I forgive you, but I need you to do something for me. I need you to go into The Rating Games again."

Isiah burst out laughing. "Good one, sir. I thought you were serious."

"I am."

Isiah stopped laughing, and his face turned dark. "No, I almost died. That's a hell of a way to get me to do something. Make it seem like I have a choice. Didn't you say it was mandatory?"

President Young smiled. It sent a chill down Isiah's spine. "I did—no need to worry. There's an old friend you get to keep an eye on. I'm sure you want to catch up with him."

Isiah rolled his eyes. "Bloody hell, Hunter again? Why don't you just kill him? Plus, I think you scared him with all that Xavier shite last year."

"He also killed Xavier. Let's not forget that. That young man is an issue. I can feel it. He's more like Jackson Carter than I would like."

"That and he likes your daughter. Oops, did I say that out loud?" Isiah smiles.

President Young turned from Isiah and walked back towards the window. Sky cars zooming by his office. "Mr. Thomas, what do you think makes a great leader?"

"Haven't the foggiest idea. Never been much for leadership."

"Being a great leader means knowing when to strike a problem before it becomes one. Some have the problems eliminated as soon as possible. Others hope the problem just goes away. What about me, then? Well, I'm the type of problem solver that wants the problem to know it's a problem."

"Meaning?" Isiah says, looking bored.

"Meaning, Mr. Thomas, I want Mr. Carter to know that he's an issue. I want him to know that I'm always watching. I want him to have that fear hovering above him. Then, the moment he realizes there's only one way to deal with problems like him is the moment that the problem will solve itself. I won't kill Hunter. I'll make him wish for death. Blame it on the sins of his father. Jackson Carter dared to challenge me. I'll use Hunter to remind Lucian what happens to problems who think they can't be solved." President Young's words hung in the air. Each one drips with hatred and malice.

"We'll see about that, boss. I'll take my leave now. Apparently, I have to get ready for The Games. When are those, by the way?" Isiah asks, turning to leave.

President Young doesn't say anything.

"Grand, sir. Just grand." Isiah says, closing the door behind him.

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