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Isiah closed the front door to his home and threw his bag in the corner. Not wanting to wake up Rose, he sneaked upstairs and into his room. Quickly taking off his bloody shirt, he sat on his bed.

"I'm sorry, Hunter. I tried, mate. I tried so hard not to kill him. He left me no choice," Isiah said, coving his eyes. "This has to stop."

"Isiah?" Rose asked, knocking at his door.

Isiah sprung up and stopped the door from fully opening. "Yeah?"

"I haven't seen you all day. I went to get my kit without you. They even stuck me with something. They said it was to prove I was a participant. Did you get yours?" 

"I did. Yeah, that was a surprise for me too. Was yours blinking? Weird." Isiah looked at his arm. He could still see the tiny scar the needle left. "The Guard said they needed to inject us early. So the chip could learn our DNA or whatever. I think it's a bunch of bullshite."

"You think that about everything."

"And I'm normally right. What have you been doing besides that?" Isiah asked.

"Been using your credit card to buy drugs."

"Rose. I know you're lying...I hope you're lying...You better be lying."

"I'm just joking. I did buy some food, though. You don't have anything here. Who doesn't buy food for a guest? Do you always eat out?"

"I don't like cooking. Can you blame me? I'm always working. Don't have time." Isiah shrugged. He wasn't lying. He was too busy and normally ate out, especially when he got jobs late at night.

"We're going grocery shopping. I'll make us something."

"Can't we just order it and have it delivered? I'm exhausted. Long day and all that. Here." Isiah handed her his credit card. "Get a few things and have it delivered, alright? I'm going to take a nap."

"Fine, by the way, what's your limit? Also, do you like pasta?" Rose asked.

"Don't max it out! Keep it under one hundred credits. Buy off-brand. Pasta is fine."

"For a rich guy, you're cheap," Rose shouted from the other room.

"That's not a bad thing!" Isiah shouted back. Changing into fresh clothes, Isiah lays on his bed and stares at the ceiling. "After The Games, I'm done. I can't do this anymore. I can't keep lying to her. The others can handle this. He can find himself another clover. This one is done."

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