The Rescue: Part 1

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Hunter explained what happened during the crash. Isiah was hanging onto every word. Occisonally nodding as he listened. "That's about it. So, what's the game plan?"

Maddox grinned. "The plan is we act like we're going to turn you over. Once we're inside, we'll find your friends, get them, and get out. I'll have a group of my guys cause a distraction elsewhere. You, me, and Isiah will go in. Isiah and I will act as bounty hunters and "turn you in." Sound good?"

"It sounds horrible," Zoey said. "This sounds like a trap. How do we know this will even work? How do we know Hunter and my brother won't get shot as soon as you guys get there?"

"And the others too. Obviously," Shaun said as if he was trying to help her out. He tried to calm her down, but that was like telling the sun not to shine. "And where about do you want us then?"

Maddox's smile grew. "You, good doctor, will be on standby. Just in case something happens. I'll have all the medical equipment you'll need."

"Eh, fine. I'm practically their personal doctor at this point. I knew I should've charged."

Hunter was glad he had people on his side. I wished that they didn't have to be put in danger, but it's nice to know he wasn't alone. "Okay, when can we move out?"

"Right now," Maddox said. "Follow me, everyone." He led the group out of the room and down the hall. "First stop, the armory. Help yourself."

Isiah pulled Hunter to the back of the group. "What's your read on this guy? You think we can trust him?" He whispered. 

"I honestly don't know, but we don't have a choice. We need to get them back. If Young finds out Alissa's there, then I know he'll make her life hell. I know, Alissa. She'd rather go to jail than go back to him."

Isiah scoffed. "We could do it. I know how to get in and out without being noticed."

"Oh yeah, do you know where they are? Kind of hard to sneak into a place that you don't know the location of. Don't ya think?"

"You guys alright back there?" Maddox asked. Hunter had a feeling that he already knew what they were talking about.

Hunter smiled. "Yeah, just catching up." He turned toward the door Maddox was standing in front of. "This it?"

"Yep," Maddox said, opening the door. A large room filled with large crates and every weapon you could think of was spread out for them. Maddox laughed at the shocked faces Hunter and Isiah were making. "Too much?"

"Where did you get all this?" Isiah asked.

Maddox shrugged. "Intercepted a few convoys here and there. Young has so many guns; he's not going to miss one or two trucks."

Hunter browsed the weapons. Then he paused, "Why have all this? You have more guns than people."

Maddox gave a sinister smile. "Never hurts to be prepared. We're going to need it. Can't fight a war with words. Not for long, anyway. I'll get everyone together. When you guys are done, come out to the front." Maddox smiled, then left.

Hunter was looking over some gear when he heard Zoey gasp. He quickly moved to her. "Zoey!"

"It's alright. She's just seen this," Shaun said, holding up a sword. 

Zoey snatched it from him and unsheathed it. "I've never seen this kind of sword before. It looks just like the one we saw last night in that movie."

Hunter let out a long sigh. "Zoey, I could really do with no early heart attacks." He turned in Isiah's direction after hearing a snicker. "What's so funny?"

"It's just the thought of you dying of a heart attack after everything is hilarious," Isiah laughed. 

"Don't make me hit you," Hunter warned. "I'm gonna go. You guys have fun." He moved past Isiah and walked out without another word. Hunter could feel the weight of everything on his shoulders. He knew this wouldn't end as well as he hoped it would. He just had that feeling. Part of him felt like this was all a bad dream. He wished he could wake up. Then he thought of Alissa and grinned. He was glad she was real. Just the thought of her made him feel better. He couldn't wait to hold her again. 

Opening the doors, Hunter found a spot and sat on the ground. He looked across the field and saw Maddox talking to a crowd of people. They all had the same determined look on their faces. He had no idea a group like this existed. "I wonder if dad knew about them?"

Maddox's eyes darted to Hunter as if he sensed him watching. Hunter gave a friendly wave and turned to see Isiah, Zoey, and Shaun walking out and joining him. "All done shopping?" Hunter asked.

Zoey playfully pushed him and flashed the sword she was holding earlier. "I did, and Isiah showed me how to use it. So, I'd watch that smart mouth if I were you. I'm deadly without it, and don't you forget it."

"Why would you do that?" Hunter asked Isiah.

"She asked," Isiah said, running his hands through his hair. "Nearly took my head off." He turned to Shaun. "You sure she's not an assassin?"

"That would explain a lot," Shaun laughed. Zoey turned to him with a death glare. "I'm just kidding, love. I'm lucky to have an arse-kicking wife."

"Yes, you are," Zoey said with a nod. "So, what's the plan?"

"I think Hunter, Maddox, and I should go in. You and Shuan should stay in the van and wait. If anyone gets hurt, then Shaun can handle it. Honestly, I think we should "borrow" one of their vans. Once all of us get inside, we bolt. I'm only concerned with our group. I couldn't care less if any of those people got killed. I've seen Maddox's type before. He may sound confident and smart, but that only means he has something else going on. He did a lot to get you here, Hunter," Isiah said, keeping his eyes on Maddox.

"I second that," Shaun said. "Just don't get yourself killed."

Zoey looked at Hunter. "I just want everyone to be safe. We don't know these people. I just want to see my stupid brother alive and well. We all know Zach is a hard-headed idiot, and I saved up a world-class beating for him, but our group is in enough trouble as it is. We need to get them and get out. I don't know if I completely trust Maddox and his group."

"Comes down to you, Hunter," Isiah said.

"Of course it does," Hunter sighed. "Guys, I'm tired. I'm tired of all of this. I just want everything to be okay for once. No fearing for our lives, no wondering if everyone I meet wants to kill me, tired of my friends always being put in danger just to get to me. Sorry if I'm making this about me. You guys know I'll kick anyone's ass if it meant keeping you guys safe. I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure we get out safely. I don't know about Maddox's plan, but I know one thing. They better be prepared to die if anyone tries to stop me from getting them out."

Isiah laughed. "If I didn't know what you've been through, I'd say you were being dramatic. However, I know a determined man when I see one." Isiah pushed himself from The wall. "I'm gonna see what Maddox is up to. I'll be right back."  He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked toward the crowd.

Hunter waited till Isiah was out of earshot before saying, "If it gets too dangerous, then you two get out of there. I'm not saying as soon as something seems wrong, then bail. I'm saying if I'm late and everyone else is out. Then go."

"You don't listen, do you?" Shaun asked. "We're not leaving you, and that's that. I don't do what-ifs." Shaun paused as Isiah made his way back to their group. "Good news, I hope."

Isiah sighed. "He's ready to go. However, I did just get a message from our computer friend, and he said the Games had been put on hold, and Young is on his way to the facility."

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن