Legacy Dinner: Part One

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One week later

Hunter looked at himself in the mirror. The suit he bought felt odd. He was wearing a blue and black suit. "When was the last time I wore a suit?" Hunter thought. If anyone else had picked out the suit, he wouldn't have worn it. Zach walked into the room with the last piece of the suit.

"Do you even know how to tie a tie?" Zach asks.

"Of course not. Should I?" Hunter asked. 

"Come on, Hunt. It's a necessary skill to have. It pulls the whole thing together. What would you do without me? Zach asks, tieing the tie for him.

"Go wearing a t-shirt and jeans. It's dinner. Who cares? The fact I'm there should be all that matters."

"You didn't just say that," Zack said, rolling his eyes. "You're hopeless." Zach stepped back to admire his work. "Now, you look presentable."

"I look stupid. I just want to get back to sleep."

"Let's just get you to the dinner. I'll drop you off." Zach grabbed the keys and walked out. Hunter followed, and they were off. After a short ride to The Obsidian Zone, they arrived at The Noir Building. A meeting hall that was in the heart of Lucian City. Hunter watched as people arrived. Some came in lavish Skycars; others came in luxury cars, and all of them gave off the vibe of I'm better than you. What really annoyed him was that Lucian News Tonight was there and already flashing cameras in his face as Zach stopped.

"Well, have fun. Call me when you want me to pick you up. And for Lucian's sake, don't mess up the suit," Zach said.

Hunter climbed out of the car and gave him a wave. Zach pulled off, and Hunter made his way to the entrance. He tried to ignore the reporters constantly trying to get him to comment.

"Sir, I remembered you from The Games last year. Are you excited to participate again? If I remember right, you got the second-highest score," The reporter said, shoving a microphone in his face.

Hunter kept looking forward and entered the hall. He took a breath and found the reception desk. 

"Hello, can I see your invitation?" The android asked. Hunter handed over his invitation. "Great! Thank you. Behind me is the Dining Hall. You can go in and find the seat with your name on it. Thank you."

Hunter nodded and walked inside. The hall was the embodiment of extravagance. No expense was spared. It was almost sickening. What really caught Hunter's eye was the long table of food. He had to stop himself from drooling on his suit. Tearing his eyes away from the food table, Hunter started to look for his seat. 

"Wow, you clean up nice," Amy said, walking up to him. She was wearing a long yellow ball gown. Her hair was curled and held back with a silver band.

"Me? You look amazing. Where are you sitting?" Hunter asked.

"Thanks. Over there with Isiah. You're with us. I think they did the seating based on who we roomed with last year. Come on." Amy grabbed his hand and led him through the tables. Finally, let him go once they arrived at theirs.

"Well, look at this guy. I hardly recognized you without a t-shirt and jeans." Isiah laughed. He was wearing a white and red suit.

"You look good too," Hunter said. "Did you do that thing you were talking about?"

Isiah looked across the room. Averting his eyes from Hunter's. "Yeah, I had to. But, not anymore. I'm done. Not doing it anymore. I was planning on quitting after The Rating Games."

"Seriously?" Hunter asked. "I can't see your boss taking that very well."

"He'll get over it. Interns are replaceable. He has two others."

"I feel like I missed something. You two look so serious," Amy said, drinking some water. "Are you quitting your job, Isiah?"

"Yeah, I'll find something more respectable." Isiah looked at Hunter. "Maybe I'll join The Guard."

Hunter scoffed. 

The lights in the hall dimmed, and eyes were pulled to the stage in the corner. Applause erupted across the dining hall. A man stepped on stage wearing a silver suit that sparkled as the light hit it. "Good evening, Legacies! It's been a while! How's everyone?" He asked. It took Hunter a moment to realize who was talking. It was last year's, Game Master. Cole Thompson. "It's good to see all of you!"

"Is that Cole? He looks different," Amy asked.

"I think so," Isiah said.

"I won't take up much of your time. I'm hungry too." Cole said. Laughter filled the hall. "I wanted to thank you all for coming out tonight. I know you all are making plans for The Rating Games. After the announcements, you're welcome to leave after dinner is served. I'll be staying after for questions and pictures. Don't forget to stop by the reception desk for your gift bags. I heard they have some pretty cool stuff in there. Now, before I go, I'd like to shout out the top scores from last year. When your name is called, please stand up and stay standing."

Hunter suddenly felt small. He hated having people looking at him. Amy saw how uncomfortable he was and put her hand over his.

"Don't worry, it's just for a second. Trust me, I hate it too," Amy said, smiling.

Hunter smiled. "Thanks,"

"Now! Starting with fifth place, Karia Turner. Next, the Fourth is Eddie Crawford; the Third is Erin White, the Second is Hunter Carter, and the first is Isiah Thomas! Let's give it up for them, folks!"

"You got first?! How did we not know that?" Amy said.

"I didn't think it was worth mentioning," Isiah said, standing up and smiling.

Hunter stood and felt the eyes of everyone on him. The cameras didn't help. After a moment, they were allowed to sit down. 

"Well, before I go, we have a special guest here to wish you guys luck." Cole gestured off stage. The man who stepped on stage made Hunter's blood run cold. "Please welcome, President Young himself!"

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