Morning Meeting: Part One

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Hunter opened his eyes and noticed he was alone. Or so he thought. In the corner of the room, he saw a dark figure watching him. "We should talk about what happened," The shadow said.

Hunter shook his head and closed his eyes. When he realized he wasn't waking up, he sighed. "What did you do to me? You almost made me kill David."

The shadow tilted its head. "Would that have been a bad thing? He was going to kill you. Zach was in danger. You were losing control, so I helped. You should be thanking me."

Hunter sprung up out of bed. "Thank you? You turned me into a psycho! On top of that, you put me in some dream or whatever. I had to claw my way out!"

"You said it yourself. You wanted peace. You wanted your family back. I gave that to you and more. You should've seen us. We were unstoppable. David was completely helpless. Honestly, the thought of him being an assassin cracks me up," The shadow laughed. "You have strength, Hunter. So much untapped strength. We can use that strength to make sure no one you care about gets hurt ever again. We just have to come to an agreement."

 "What are you?" Hunter asked. "Where did you come from? And why the hell won't you leave me alone?"

The shadow crossed the room and stood in front of Hunter. Its face was clouded in darkness, but Hunter could make out some features. It almost looked like him. "All great questions. None of which I can answer at the moment. Tomorrow will reveal those answers. Most of them, at least. I guess we have to do this the hard way. Don't get mad if things turn out for the worst."

Hunter shot it a confused look. "What do you-" Before he could finish, he was awoken by a concerned Alissa. "Hunter? Are you okay? You were talking in your sleep."

Hunter was unsure if this was another dream or reality. He looked around to make sure his shadow friend wasn't there. "I'm sorry. I had a bad dream, I guess."

"I thought it was cute at first, but when you started to sound angry, I got concerned," She said, removing her hand from his shoulder. "I guess I'll believe you."

Hunter laughed. "Did you sleep well?"

Alissa nodded, then laughed.

"What?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I wish I could see my dad's face right now. I bet he'd explode."

"You did technically sleep with the enemy. I'd say your public enemy number one," Hunter smiled as he sat up.

"I think that's your title," Alissa said.

Hunter playfully pushed her. "Hey! Well, that's one of the nicer things I've been called."

 His eyes moved towards the opening door. A half-awake Zach stood there waving. "Morning, guys. I heard laughing. Alissa, blink twice if you need help."

"Morning, Zach," Alissa said.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Are Isiah and Rose up?"

Zach shrugged and looked at Isiah's door. "I think they're still in there. It's only seven."

"Running on four hours of sleep. That can't be good," Hunter thought. "We should get everyone up and come up with a plan. We don't know what'll happen today. If Young pulls something, we need to be ready."

"What if he's just bluffing? People throw parties when The Games start, don't they? All that planning getting thrown out of the window might piss some people off," Zach said, sitting on Hunter's bed.

"You have a point. When they started last year, I knew a lot of people have opening watch parties. These things are normally planned to the letter," Alissa said.

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