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"It's all my fault," Hunter thought. "Zach's in danger because of me. Why is it always my fault?"

"I ask myself that same question," A voice rang out in Hunter's head. "Poor, Zachary. I bet he hates you right now. Lord only knows what that woman is going to do to him. He's going to die."

Hunter shook his head. "No."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a version of himself leaning against the door. "Hello again. Tell me, Hunter, what are you going to do? There's only one way to get past David. You know what you have to do."

"Hunter!" Isiah yelled as he blocked David's fist from hitting Hunter's face. "Wake up!"

Hunter blinked and threw a punch at David's jaw. Seeing it coming, David kicks Isiah in the stomach and rushes Hunter. Throwing blow after blow. Hunter tried to block as best he could, but David was faster. Hunter could feel every blow David landed. The pain was overwhelming. Isiah recovered and tackled David, and pulled out his dagger. He tried slashing David's neck, but David grabbed the blade. "Oh, Isiah. You have to do better than that." Before Isiah could react, David brought his knee to Isiah's stomach and punched him hard in the temple.  "He always was the slowest of all of us." David looked up at Hunter. "Just you and me. To tell you the truth, I love killing with my hands. It feels so much more personal. These gloves help magnify my strength. My mask even lets me see my opponent's weak spots. That just doesn't seem fair, does it?" David laughed and took off his mask. he tossed it aside and smiled at Hunter. "I don't think I'll need that. Come on, Hunter. Show me the man who killed Xavier."

Hunter's body felt stiff. No matter how much he tried to move, his body protested and screamed in pain. Suddenly, a horrible scream filled the room. Hunter's eyes looked up, and he saw Sarah removing two of Zach's fingers. "Don't mind me, guys!" Sarah said. "Got a little bored." Hunter felt his body shake in anger. He needed to get to Zach.

"Hunter, you know what you have to do. Let me handle David. The longer you wait, the more torture Zachary goes through. They want you to drown in your own despair. Come on. Let me in," Shadow Hunter growled. His eyes burned with bloodlust. "Or do you want to lose someone else? How many bodies will it take for you to finally understand? You are the one they should be afraid of. You've suffered enough."

No matter how much Hunter tried to push the voice out, deep down, he knew it had a point. All of his friends would die because of him. No matter how much he fought. Someone always got hurt because of him. He was tired. He just wanted to be at peace.

David appeared in front of Hunter and struck him in the jaw. David didn't give Hunter any time to recover as he climbed on him and repeatedly punched him in the face. Hunter began to taste blood as he tried to shield his face. "Disappointing. Are you sure you actually killed him? I thought you were stronger than this. I was supposed to let Sarah kill you, but I think I'll finish this. No one's perfect. After you're dead, I'll move on to that girl. Then Isiah's sister. Just for fun. Maybe I should kill Isiah after you? Or should I make him watch as I kill his sister?"

Hunter couldn't believe how heartless this man was. Then again, he did work for President Young. David reached behind himself and grabbed Isiah's knife. "Does this feel familiar to you? I think it's only fair I kill you the same way. Goodbye, Hunter." David brought the blade down towards Hunter's chest but then paused. Hunter's hand shot out and grabbed the blade, which cut into his hands. It took a moment for David to notice that Hunter was laughing. "Finally snapped, huh?" Then David jumped back. "What the hell?"

"To answer your question, yes. he has," Hunter laughed. "This is the moment I've been waiting for. Hello, I'll be your murderer for the evening."

Before David could blink, Hunter was in his face. He tried to dodge, but Hunter grabbed his neck and punched him as hard as he could. All the power he stored in his gloves was unleashed at once. David flew back with a shocked look on his face. He put his hand up to his nose and gasped as blood was gushing from it. "I don't know what got into you, but I like it." David tilted his head in confusion as he watched Hunter examine himself.

"So this is what it's like to have a body? I almost forgot how it feels," Hunter said, stretching. "I better make this fast. Too bad Isiah isn't awake. This is going to be fun."

David smiled until he tried to move. His body began to shake, and his legs gave out from under him. "Delayed reaction?"

Hunter laughed. "These are even better than the last ones." He looked up towards the ceiling. "I hope you're watching, Young. I'm about to give you a preview of what's coming for you."

David tried to stand, but his vision started to waver. Hunter grabbed a hand fill of David's hair and slammed his knee into David's jaw. David tried pushing Hunter in the chest, but Hunter easily sidestepped it and kicked David in the stomach. "How are you this strong?" David coughed.

"I've had practice," Hunter laughed as he kept kicking David in the stomach. 

"Enough!" David said, throwing a punch at Hunter's leg, causing Hunter to let go. David managed to get up and wipe the blood off his face. "You have gone nuts. Do you even care that your friend has been screaming this whole time?"

Hunter looked up at the screen. "Huh. So he has. I guess I should take this more seriously then. Before I do that, I should probably ask for the key. So? How 'bout it?"

David laughed. 

"I thought I'd try. That would be the Hunter thing to do, right?" 

"Why are you acting like you're someone else?" David asked.

" know what? You don't deserve to know. I'm the other side of Hunter. The one who isn't scared. The one that wants blood. And I'll get it one way or another."

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Where stories live. Discover now