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Isiah couldn't believe what he was seeing. As soon as he woke up, he saw Hunter beating the life out of David. At first, he thought it was funny. But then he saw Hunter's face. The twisted grin on Hunter's face made a chill go down his spine. "Hunter?"

Hunter's head turned to him slowly. "Look, who's up? Just in time too. I'm almost done. Wanna join in?"

Isiah's attention turned to the screen above them. "Hunter, we don't have time for this. Get the key, and let's go."

"In a sec. This bastard deserves every hit I'm giving him, and Zach will understand," Hunter laughed.

Isiah picked himself off the ground and moved over to them. David was bleeding like crazy. Out of the assassins, David was the best hand-to-hand fighter. The fact he was nearly dead on the ground made Isiah incredibly scared. "Hunter, stop! We have to go."

"In. A. Sec," Hunter said, punctuating each word with a punch to David's face. 

"I don't have time for this," Isiah said, reaching for his blade and holding to Hunter's throat. "Stop it, Hunter. Now!"

Hunter tilted his head in confusion. "Wait, you're not actually wanting him to live, are you? After everything, he's done? After threatening to kill your sister?" He dropped David's unconscious body to the group and turned to Isiah, letting the blade touch his neck. "Go on, assassin. Do your job. I'm not afraid to die. I feel as alive as ever."

"You're acting just like him, you know?" Isiah asked. "Xavier did the same thing. What happened to you, Hunter?"

Hunter was about to answer when he clenched his head and doubled over in pain. Isiah watched as Hunter clawed at the side of his temple as if he was trying to get something out of his head. 

Isiah quickly went over to David and reached into his pocket. A few seconds later, he pulled out a small gold key. When he turned back to Hunter, he was sitting upright, looking at his hands in horror. "Isiah...what happened?" 

"Not now," Isiah shook his head. "We need to find Zach. Now." He took Hunter by the arm. "Come on, mate."

Hunter didn't know what to do. His body didn't feel like his own anymore. Isiah shook him hard. "O-Ok."

"I need to know you're all there," Isiah said, putting the key in the lock. "You need to be. Whatever happens, you need to make sure you don't lose it again." He pushed open the door and walked back inside. 

"Where are you going?" Hunter asked.

"Need to take care of David. You find Zach. I thought about it, and I can't leave him here unchecked. I'll finish this and meet up with you, and be careful. Sarah is crafty. You need to make sure you and Zach get out in one piece."

Hunter thought for a moment before nodding. His head felt like it had been put through a blender. His thoughts felt like they were crashing into each other. Despite that, he needed to move, and he had to get to Zach before it was too late. 


Hunter burst through the doors of the activity center. He didn't have a plan, but he knew the goal. Get Zach and get out. He hurried down the long hallway to a set of doors. He reached for the handle when Sarah's voice rang out in the hall. "Oh, you're finally here. Come in. I won't bite."

Hunter hesitated before entering. The smell of bleach hit him as he entered the room. His eyes fixated on one point. Zach. Hunter was already by his side before he could blink. "Z? Zack, please be alive." He felt hot tears rolling down his face as he looked at his beaten and bloody friend. He grabbed a blade from the table and began sawing at Zach's restraints. Zach's body slumped forward as Hunter released him. Hunter grabbed him before he hit the ground. "Z?!"

Zach coughed violently as he looked up to Hunter. "Hey, do I look as pretty as I feel?"

Hunter had never felt so relieved in his life. He hugged Zach harder than he meant to. 

"Ow! kill me? Heh, looks like you've...had a rough night," Zach said, trying to hide the intense pain he was in.

Hunter pulled back. "Z, I...I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

Zach shook his head. "Don't start. Seriously, Hunt...I don't hear it. I don't...blame you...for anything."

Hunter shook his head. "You wouldn't be here if-"

"I said I don't want to hear it! I'm here because I want to be. Shit happens. I told you I'd always have your back. No matter what."

Hunter was stunned. Zach had never yelled at him before, and he could see Zach meant every word. Hunter's eyes went down to Zach's hand. Zach looked at his hand as well. "Yeah, she bandaged it. How kind. Is.. is it bad? I don't want to look."

"Let's get you out of here first," Hunter said, helping Zach off the floor. 

"Should I ask what happened to you?" Zach asked, wiping the blood from his mouth. 

"Honestly, I have no idea. Can you walk?"

Zach nodded. "I should be fine." 

Hunter let Zach use him as a crutch. "Come on, buddy."

"Isn't that sweet? Hunter, you are one interesting man. I like that." 

Hunter cursed under his breath as he turned around. Sarah was watching them while waving a needle around. She strolled over to them and smiled. "I am not in the fucking mood."

"But I am," She smiled. "I'll make you a deal, Hunter. I'll leave Zach alone, and he can leave if you stay. Hell, we'll leave all of your friends alone. I never cared about them. I want you and only you. I'd accept it. I can even have a medical attendant outside for him. He needs it, Hunter."

"Don't even think about it, Hunt. I'll be fine." Hunter heard it in Zach's voice. He needed help but didn't want Hunter to worry. 

The reality was Hunter knew neither of them was in any shape to fight. He had no idea where Isiah was, and all he could hope to do was buy time. "Call the attendant."

Zach looked at him in disbelief. "What the hell?"

"You need help, Z," Hunter said. He knew they'd find out they removed the chips and reimplant one in him, and Zach would forget what happened, and he would be safe. It was a trade Hunter was okay with. 

"Hmm, I'll call once you sit. I'm not stupid; how do I know you won't attack me after?" Sarah moved to the chair and patted the seat. Inviting him to sit. 

"Hunter, please, we can figure somet-"

"Z, you need help, and I can't think of anything. I know you want to right this before you get outside. I know how hard-headed you are, Z. I know you don't want to forget what happened."

Sarah yawned. "Come on, Hunter. Sit down. I really want to get started."

Hunter rolled his eyes and helped Zach to the door, and walked back to the chair. He heard Zach saying something, but he ignored him. "Start calling," Hunter said, sitting down. As soon as he did, belts came out from the chair and restrained him. "The hell?"

"What? Like I'd use my best stuff on someone else." Sarah took her phone out and dialed a number. "Yeah. I need two medical staff down at AC 5. A participant has been badly injured. Thank you." She disconnected. "Okay, Zachary, you can leave. Hunter and I have a date. No one likes a third wheel." She smiled warmly at Hunter and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Go, find the others," Hunter said with his eyes. Zach nodded and turned away. Limping towards the door, he glanced one more time at Hunter, then walked out.

"Finally!"  She said, lowing her voice and whispering in his ear. "I have you all to myself."

"I just have to hold out. Z will get someone. Isiah has to be on his way. Shit, this is gonna suck," Hunter thought. "What are you-" His eyes flew open as he felt a needle pierce his neck. Instantly he felt woozy, and everything began spinning. 

Sarah moved into Hunter's view, leaned in, and clenched his chin, forcing him to look at her. "I've been waiting for this for a long time. I'm going to kill you. And you're going to like it, but not before a little foreplay." She grabbed a knife and slammed it into his leg. Pain exploded through his body, but he refused to scream. "This is going to be fun."

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