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Shaun had been driving for twenty minutes. He looked back at Maggie and asked, "So, what does this guy look like?"

Maggie's face turned red. 

"You don't know, do you? Lucian sake, Magnolia," Shaun said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I know! He has the same look as Oliver. A sort of punk style looks to him. Tattoos and multicolored hair. That's...all he told me. He said he would find us."

"What did I get myself into? This better be worth it," Shaun said, annoyed.

"It will be. Once Alissa exposes her father at The Rating Games. She's going to make history. This is the first step. Right, Lissa?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, the first step," Alissa said enthusiastically. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. My father never cared about what I did unless it damaged his image. How are we going to hide my face from my father? He'd recognize me in an instant. Makeup won't do much."

"I've thought about that and came up with a solution. However, first things first, we talk to Levi," Maggie says, looking at her phone. 

A message from Levi appears."I'm here. In the back of the shop. Look for a green laptop with a black target on the back of it."

"Levi just got there," Maggie said.

"We're still a couple of hours out. Why so early?" Shaun asked.

"I told you guys. He's weird." Maggie typed something on her phone. "There, I told him we're on our way. Shaun, drive faster! Can't you use The Emergency Line?"

"Only an eejit would use The Emergency Line for non-emergencies. I'm not an eejit." Shaun thought for a moment. "Okay, maybe a little bit. Still no."

"You're no fun. Why couldn't we take the SkyCar?" Maggie asked.

"It's not mine. I had to give it back to the hospital. I've been thinking about buying one, though. Zoey said it's dumb, but I think it's a grand idea. It's only five hundred thousand credits."

"That's so cheap!" Alissa said sarcastically. 

"Right? That's what I said. Still, Zoey said no. So, maybe another time."

"How do you feel about getting married?" Alissa asked.

"Scared but excited. I love Zoey so much. I can't imagine my life without her. I'm so lucky she said yes." Alissa could see from the rearview mirror Shaun smiling. 

"I hope I can find someone that can make me feel like that. I guess I've never thought about it. The whole love thing," Alissa says, staring out the window. Maggie starts to smile. 

"You will. If my sorry arse can find love, you can too. Or maybe you already did?" Shaun said, still smiling.

"Oh yeah, she did," Maggie whispered. Alissa punched her in the arm, which made Maggie laugh harder. 

"It's Hunter, isn't it?" Shaun asked.

"WHAT! NO!" Alissa yelled. "I like him as a friend. That's it."

"Oh, come on! I saw you two at breakfast. He told you to call him if you needed him. He cares about you. You two should talk," Shaun said.

"That's just being a good friend. What if he doesn't like me like that? What if he rejects me? I can't deal with that. Or I should say I don't know how to deal with that."

"I find that hard to believe. Hunter is the type of guy who hides his feelings. He lets his emotions build up inside until they explode. If you talk to him, it may help you both. Both of you are under a lot of stress. Having feelings for each other will complicate things, but it may make things easier on both of you. Just make sure you tell him before it's too late," Shaun said.

"Too late?" Alissa asked. She felt her heart beat faster.

"You do realize what we're doing, right? We're trying to take down The Rating System. I don't think it's that out there to say some blood might get spilled, especially with The Rating Games. We all saw what Hunter went through. It's only going to get worse. We know Young has it out for us. Only a matter of time before he brings down the house on our heads. So, if I were you, I won't want to have any regrets going into this. Just a little advice from Dr. Shaun."

Alissa laughed. "Thanks, Shaun. I know my father won't just take this lying down. He will send legions to stop us. That's why this has to work. I have to expose him at his precious Rating Games. No matter what."

"Good for you, Lissa! I'm with you; you know that, right? I wish I could be there with you when you do it. I can't wait to see his face. His kingdom falling around him. I hope he feels as helpless as everyone he's hurt." Alissa could see the venom in her words. She knew what Maggie wanted to say. "I want you to be ask scared as Oliver was when you had him killed."

The rest of the ride was in silence. Alissa watched as the world changed around her. Tall Skyscrapers turned into small buildings and homes. They crossed into The Bronze Zone, and the atmosphere was completely different. Kids were playing tag instead of being on phones, adults were working in their homes, and everyone was happy. Alissa couldn't believe what she was seeing. 

"Wow," Alissa said.

"First time to The Bronze Zone?" Shaun asked.

"Yes, I've never been farther than The Platinum Zone. I almost forgot what normal looked like. My father really wanted us to forget the old world. I'd never thought about how other people lived."

"A healthy dose of reality is good for the soul. Add this to the list of things your dad will pay for. I know they may look happy, but Bronze citizens are the highest applicants for The Rating Games. They're so close to being Unrated. President Young reminds them of that each year. That's why most adverts are directed towards The Bronze Zone. Maggie, are we almost there?" Shaun asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, turn right. It should be a building with a little wizard hat in the logo."

They turned the corner and saw a little house that was made into a shop. A few Bronze citizens were standing around talking to each other. Shaun found a parking space and parked. "Aye, now listen. I'll be close by if anything happens. Not saying it will, but we need to be careful. You two get what you need and get out. Sound good?"

"Yeah," Alissa agreed.

"Yep, good to go," Maggie agreed.

They got out of the car and headed inside the shop. It looked normal enough. Nothing like what Alissa was used to, but it was...cozy. "I like it," Alissa said, looking around the coffee shop. The place was packed. The line for the register was a mile long. "Were looking for a black laptop with a target on the back of it? Was that right?" Alissa asked.

"Yes. He said he was towards the back. I don't see him," Maggie said. 

"Well, you two have fun. I'm going to get in line. I could use a coffee," Shaun says as he gets in line.

Alissa shakes her head and goes back to looking around. She finally spots the laptop in the back of the shop. "There!" Alissa started to move towards the table. The closer she got, the more something didn't feel right. "Wait, where's he?"

"I don't know. Maybe he went to the bathroom?" Maggie asked.

"Or maybe he left?" Alissa asked.

"Or maybe he went to go pick up his order." A voice said from behind them. A man with jet black hair and a red streak going down the front stood there. "Coffee is so good." He held out his hand. "Levi Thompson. A pleaser."

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