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"What's taking them so long?" Zach asked. After Hunter ran after Alissa, the est of them finished their food, but Zach couldn't help but wonder what Hunter was doing. "Screw it; I'll be right back. Need to make sure they're alright."

"She did look upset," Amy said. 

"Why? It was just President Young," Rose said.

Isiah laughed. "Let's just say she has daddy issues."

"Oh," Rose said.

Zach excused himself and headed for the entrance. He was almost outside when his jaw hit the floor. The absolute last thing he thought he would see was unfolding right before his eyes. He slapped himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming and squealed. "My man!"

Hunter looked up, and his face turned red. "Get out of here, you idiot!"

"I just came to see if you guys were alright, but damn! You're doing a hell of a lot better than I thought!" Zach laughed. He screamed as he saw Hunter charge at him. He ran past Hunter and out onto the lawn. "Come on, Hunt! I'm just being a good friend. I approve one thousand percent. I would've chosen something more private, but hey."

Zach ran as fast as he could, but Hunter was faster and tackled him to the ground. All the while, Alissa was laughing her head off. 

"Alright, alright. I'll stop. Just don't hurt the money maker. I got to look somewhat presentable," Zach said, laughing.

"Come on, Hunter. I think he's had enough," Alissa said, walking over. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and he instantly calmed down. "Let's go back inside. I feel better."

"Yeah, you do," Zach said, smiling.

Hunter hit him in the stomach and smiled. "Now, I feel better." He helped Zach to his feet. "Remember that for next time."

"Don't worry, I'll never check on you ever again," Zach groaned. He turned to Alissa. "How can you like this guy? It's exhausting."

Alissa laughed and put her hand in Hunter's. "I think I can get used to it."

Hunter returned her smile. "T-Thanks."

"Uh-oh, I think you broke him. Quick! Push the reset button!" Zach laughed.

"Do you ever shut up?" Hunter asked.

Zach paused. "Yes, just now."

Hunter rolled his eyes. "I apologize for him...again. I promise I'll get him fixed."

Alissa giggled. "I think that's just being a good friend."

"I think that's called being annoying," Hunter said. They returned to the dining hall and sat down. "Okay, we're all good."

Isiah out down his cup. "Not quite." He nodded towards the front of the dining hall, where three Obsidian guards stood holding baskets. Each table got up and reached into a basket, grabbed a piece of paper, and returned to their seats. Instructed to not open their piece of paper. Hunter could only guess what they were about to have them do. He gave Alissa's hand a reassuring squeeze as their table was called. One by one, they each funneled into a different line and took a scrap of paper. Hunter looked the guard in the eyes before returning to his seat.

 Once everyone was done, one of the guards announced. "Attention, participants, please open your paper and take note of the number inside. They range from one to six. They correspond to an activity center. Please make your way to them. Further instructions will be given there."

Hunter opened his paper. "I got six."

"Me too," Isiah said. 

"Two," Zach said.

"One," Alissa said.

"I got one too!" Rose said.

"I got three," Amy said.

"You have ten minutes to get to your assigned activity center. Consider this your first test. Of course, you don't have to participate; however, know that everything is being observed. Points will be awarded accordingly."

"Show of hands, who cares?" Zach asked. 

"We should. If we don't, it'll look suspicious," Isiah said, standing up. "I need to hurry back to the room. I'll meet you there." He was out the door before Hunter could say anything. 

"Seriously?" Hunter asked. 

"He does that a lot," Rose said, standing up. "We should get going, Faith."

Alissa didn't want to let go of Hunter's hand. "Be careful, Hunter."

"You too. You know you don't have to do this?"

"Knowing my father, I think I'd be in more danger if I didn't go." She started letting his hand go, but he grabbed it softly.

"Promise me; you'll be okay. Once it's over, meet me back in my room. Or find somewhere safe."

"I promise," Alissa smiled. "Promise me you won't get hurt."

"I'll try not to," Hunter smiled. He reluctantly let her hand go and watched her walk with Rose. 

Zach put his hand on Hunter's shoulder. "Don't worry, man. She'll be alright. She's a smart girl. Be careful, Hunt. And don't miss me too much." Zach winked and walked away.

"Idiot," Hunter laughed. He couldn't help but worry about them. Two of the most important people in his life were heading into something he knew was dangerous. "Amy, I guess it's just you and me."

"Partners in crime," Amy laughed. "Mind walking with me?"

"Sure," Hunter said, walking with her towards the activity center. 

"So, you and Faith, huh? I could tell you liked her. You look a lot happier than usual."

Hunter smiled. "Heh, I feel a lot better. She makes me happy. I haven't said that in a long time. I'm just happy she knows how I feel now. Maybe it's my fault it took so long. I don't know." They reached Amy's activity center with a line of participants waiting to be let in. "Go kick some ass."

"You too. We've been through worse. Just glad it's not in a forest this time." Amy smiled and then headed to her line. 

"Hunter!" Isiah said, approaching with something in his hands. "Here, better to be safe than sorry."

Hunter took his gloves from Isiah and put them on. "Do you know what's going on?"

"I have a feeling, and if I'm right, we're going to need as much help as we can get. Come on; some people have already headed inside." 

Hunter had a bad feeling about this. His feeling only strengthened when they got inside, and no one else was there. The room reminded him of one of the gyms in Everest. Only a few of the lights were on. "I thought you said people were already in here?" Suddenly the doors behind them slammed shut, locking them inside. "What the hell?"

"Well done, Isiah! I thought you bailed at the last moment. It looks like you're not a disappointment like we thought," David said, stepping out of the shadows. "Hello, Mr. Carter. I never really introduced myself. My name is David. Or you can call me Spade." David reached behind his back and pulled his mask over his face. A white spade was painted in the middle of his forehead. "I'll be your assassin for the evening."

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